Getting started guide for new Bridge LMS admins

Congrats, you are a new admin in Bridge!

Whether you are brand new to Bridge or taking over an existing setup, we recommend that you start here with our pre-requisite video series for Learn admins, Learn authors, Develop admins, and Perform admins.

Then, you can view our various live training webinars. These include role trainings like admin and author as well as feature trainings like our performance suite, advanced media tool, etc.

Finally, attend our open office hours to get any additional hands-on training with our customer success team.

If you are taking over a Bridge instance from a previous admin, here is our Bridge-approved guide to becoming a total boss.

The first thing to understand is how learners are being provisioned into your account and then how content is being automated to those learners based on custom fields associated with those individuals.

How are users being added to my account?

Auto CSV is:

An automated method in Bridge for provisioning users by importing CSV files (from a source of truth, i.e. HRIS), streamlining user account setup and management.

Read more about Auto CSV documentation.

If your page looks something like this, then your user management is automated.

If not, then your account has been updated by manually uploading (and deleting) users.

Next, you’ll want to solve what user information is being brought into Bridge.

How are users being enrolled in content?

Users are auto-enrolled in content by the groups to which they belong. Users belong to groups based on the custom fields for user provisioning.

Go to Admins > Users & Permissions > Click on a Learner Name > Edit User. The “job info” will be Bridge’s native fields. The “other information” will be the custom fields that are mapped during user provisioning (both via auto CSV or manually).

Here are some helpful articles on using the Bridge data dump to learn more about the rules that are setup in the background:

Where is my content?

All content lives under the Author navigation.

There are a few tricks to uncovering organization of content in Bridge from previous and current admins and authors.

The first is to pull the data dump of course_templates.csv to filter for the active courses that are in your root account.

You can find this in Admin > Tools > Download all data and then go and select course_templates.

To know which courses are active in your root account, you can filter for these areas:

  • domain_id, 1 (column O)
  • Title, remove blanks (column B)
  • deleted_at, blanks only (column P)
  • archived_at, remove blanks (column AB)
  • published_at, remove blanks (column H)

It will end up looking something like this:

This will be a comprehensive list of live content that was created in your root account. Anything that is different from domain_id 1 is content created in a sub-account. You can see if you have sub-accounts by going to Admin > General > Subaccounts. These are accounts that have full autonomy from the root account.

You can perform a similar filtering exercise via the data dump for the other learnables.

Here are three helpful articles to understand user enrollments:

Categories and tags are also a good way to understand how content is organized. Travel to Admin > Learning > Manage Categories and click on a category. If the admins and authors are using categories, the content will show up here.

Check the “Groups” tab in the horizontal navigation to see learner relevance is set for exposure in the Learning Library for any group of learners.

Who are my authors?

Go to Admin > Users & Permissions > Manager Users. Filter by role is author.

From here, you can also see if there are any custom roles in the list.

What can my managers do?

The manager role in Bridge is only assigned to a user when that user is both a user in Bridge in Bridge with a UID and that same UID is mapped to the manager UID field for another user.

You will want to check if manager permissions are limited by going to Admin > General > Account Settings. The toggle on for limiting manager permissions means that managers do not have the ability to author or enroll their learners in content.

When this toggle is off, managers can author content and enroll only their reporting line in any content that exists in Bridge.

The manager view will give them access to their direct and indirect reports.

What notifications are my learners getting?

The LMS notifications can be turned on and off at the notification level. If summary emails are set up for managers and learners, then these two groups will receive emails once a week that highlight all required content that is due within seven days or overdue.

Read more about managing user notifications.

The important thing to note is if notifications are completely off or on. You may also want to check that you can direct message your learners in Bridge.

The welcome message will send any time a new user is added to the account. That user WILL need an email address (that does not have to be their UID) in order to receive it and login.

If this email is off, it is because your account is leveraging single sign on (SSO).

How are my learners logging into Bridge? 

If you and your learners are using SSO, you can find that in Admin > Settings > Auth.

How do I know what reports have been historically automated? 

Reports in Analytics are owned by the user, not a role, and they continue even after a user is terminated. 

Masquerade as a previous user to see if they had any automated reports scheduled. Go to any page under Analytics and click on the meatball menu in the top right-hand corner. Click on “Schedule delivery” to see the scheduled reports.

In the example below, Stephanie Admin owns the report “Overdue Learners Transcript to HR” and clicking on the meatball menu in the pop up will give us the option to examine the filters that are set for this report.

Clicking on “edit” will expose those filters.

If you are on auto CSV, you can momentarily turn off auto CSV to restore that terminated user. Once restored, you can copy or turn off any of their automated reports.

Duplicating a report from a user's dashboard will only create another version of the report on their dashboard. Reports cannot be shared across users. You would need to copy the filters to a report on your own dashboard.

We advise using a generic email user for all Account Admin scheduled reports. This generic email can be provisioned manually into your instance and set the role as an Account Admin; this role bypasses the auto CSV rules and will not get terminated. Every Account Admin can then masquerade as this generic user specifically to set up automated reports and aggregate all those reports under one user profile.

Congratulations on your new role, and we can't wait to partner with you!

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