You will need to go to the Download All Data (data dump) page and pull these files:
Taggings.csv is a list of all tags and categories affiliated with any learning item.
Tags.csv is a list of all active and deleted tags.
Course_templates.csv is a list of all active, archived, and deleted courses.
Programs.csv is a list of all active, archived, and deleted programs.
Tasks.csv is a list of all active, archived, and deleted checkpoints.
Live_courses.csv is a list of all active, archived, and deleted live trainings.
Pull the taggings.csv, tags.csv, course_templates.csv, programs.csv, tasks.csv, and live_courses.csv into the same document to prepare to do some VLOOKUPs.

The tags files contain information on both categories and tags as they are stored in the same database in Bridge.
Start by working in the taggings.csv sheet. Insert a column to the right of tag_id and name it “VLOOKUP to TAG_ID.”
For the tag_id VLOOKUP, you will want to compare the tag_id column (column B) to the id (column A) and name (column B) columns in the tags.csv sheet.
This will give us the tag and category names.
The file will look something like this:

The taggable_type can have any of any learning item value:
- CourseTemplate = Course
- LiveCourse = Live Training
- Program = Program
- Task = Checkpoint
It can also have a value of “LearningItem,” which means that it’s available in the Learning Library. Learning Items and Categories can be available in the Learning Library.
To give recognizable information to the taggable_type, we’ll need to use the taggable_id and write separate VLOOKUPs for each of the remaining files. These unique VLOOKUPs can be done in the same column by using the filter.
Insert a column to the right of taggable_type and name it “VLOOKUP to LEARNABLE ITEM.”

First, we will start by filtering by “CourseTemplate” in the taggable_type (now column E). For the CourseTemplate VLOOKUP, you will want to compare the taggable_id column (now column D) to the item_id (column B) and title (column E) columns in the library_items.csv sheet.
We’ll want to drag that down for all rows that have the “CourseTemplate” value. Then, we will go back to the filter in the taggable_type column (now column E) and select all. Naturally, gaps will be exposed that were not part of the original “CourseTemplate” filter.
We will filter through each of the remaining learning items and use the corresponding sheets in the file to generate VLOOKUPs and fill in each row.
SIDE NOTE. We do not need to define “LearningItem” for this exercise. If you wanted this information, there is a library_items.csv in the data dump that would follow the same logic above. Ultimately, we are trying to find the categories and tags for the current learning items and anything in the Learning Library is, at its source, a learning item.
There are a couple ways to organize this information. We are primarily concerned with how content is being put into categories as categories have learner relevance. Tags don’t have relevance.
In order to differentiate which of these are categories and which are tags in the taggings.csv sheet, we’ll need to go back to the tags.csv for a VLOOKUP to the “tag_type” (column I).
Insert another column to the right of tag_id and name it “VLOOKUP to CAT/TAG.”
For the tag_id VLOOKUP, you will want to compare the tag_id column (column B) to the id (column A) and tag_type (column I) columns in the tags.csv sheet.
- 0 = Tag
- 1 = Category
The file will look something like this:

We also want to make sure that we’re aware of any sub_account_id values that are not 1. The value of “1” indicates the category or tags is from the root account. Anything other than that is going to be from a sub-account (the domains.csv from the data dump will give you the IDs for those accounts to cross-reference with the name).
For the sake of this exercise, we’re going to build a pivot table by category.
We will highlight the taggings.csv sheet and go to Insert > Pivot Table.

On a new worksheet:
- Drag VLOOKUP to TAG_ID to Rows
- Drag taggable_id to Values (use COUNT)
- Drag sub_account_id to Filter (use “1” as filter for everything in the root account)
- Drag VLOOKUP to CAT/TAG to Filter (use “1” as filter for only categories)
The setup will look something like this:

The table will look something like this:

If you then want to find if these categories have relevance to any groups, you can follow directions on our help article here.
You can use the filters at the top to do the same for tags (the “VLOOKUP to CAT/TAG” value is “0”) or any categories and tags in your sub-accounts (the “sub_account_id” value is anything besides “1”).

Please reach out to if you have any questions!
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