Enrollment Good-to-knows

Enrollment rules are some of the most important things to master when administering Bridge.

Good news is, we’re here to help!

Course Settings

Course settings are applied at the time of enrollment. Changes made to settings will not apply to any users enrolled previously, only new learners enrolled from that point forward. It’s important to double check these settings when creating enrollments from groups, especially smart groups that are auto-picking up users based on field values (you can read more on making smart groups smarter here).

In this “Location: California” smart group, the relevant content is a sexual harassment course that is required for all users in that group.

The two members in that group will immediately get enrollment into that course once the content is marked as required.

If the courses have only been created or imported without any attention to those default settings, the users will receive notifications that are in agreement with those settings.

The default settings that are on include:

  • Due within 7 days
  • Show correct responses in a quiz
  • Maintain root account branding (only relevant if affiliating courses from the root account into your other sub-accounts)
  • Required score of 80% on quizzes
  • SCORM: score calculated using latest attempt and always migrate enrollments

It looks like this for a Bridge-authored course that is not SCORM:

If the course is not due for 30 days and the users were enrolled with the default setting of seven days, there are two options that leverage these navigation items:

Option one. Remove the affiliation of the content to the smart group, export enrollments, use “remove via CSV” for all those enrollments, adjust the course metadata to “due in 30 days,” and then re-affiliate the smart group to re-assign the content

Option two. Confirm all enrollments are set to required, export enrollments, change the due date in that CSV export, and then “add via CSV” with the new due date (ensure that the date formatting is set to mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy and that the admin settings for dates are in alignment under the “set date import format” in Admin > General > Account Settings). You can then pull in that enrollments CSV and match up just the UID and the “due date” fields.

Removing Enrollments

Required enrollments can be deleted without needing to masquerade as a user or have the user remove the enrollment themselves. This is accomplished by going to the “Remove via CSV” hyperlink within the course and uploading the UIDs for those users.

In this scenario, there are three users enrolled in the course “Google Drive Best Practices.” Two of them are required, one from a smart group enrollment and another from a required enrollment target to an individual learner. The third is optional from a self-enrollment.

Bridge will only allow removal of the user with the individual required enrollment:

The other required learner would need to be removed from the smart group or the content unaffiliated from the group for the removal of that enrollment.

The workaround for dealing with optional enrollments is to push the enrollments to a required state by uploading those optional learners with the “add via CSV” hyperlink at the course level. Once required, the enrollments can then be reset and removed. 

Something to note is that when attempting to delete required enrollments en masse via the “Remove via CSV” option, those enrollments - IF the user is in progress - will move to an optional status (meaning, they will then show as “added by you” in the UI of the learner).

Attempting to delete a single in-progress enrollment will pop-up a warning that it will instead go optional; however, when removing via CSV there is no such warning. Additionally, there is no mass reset option. So if you are needing to remove a large quantity of enrollments, you will want to reset in-progress users one-by-one.

Other Learnable Behaviors

Currently, when a user self-enrolls into a live training as optional, it will show as required in My Learning.

Checkpoints do not have the option to be available in the Learning Library because they only have required enrollments. If you want to wrap a checkpoint into a Program, that Program can be available in the Learning Library. Once selected by the user, the checkpoint will move to the required area of My Learning.

Re-Enrollment Settings

Courses that need to be taken in cadence (i.e. yearly) can be set up for auto re-enrollment. This is done in the course settings by turning on auto re-enroll.

The “Valid for X days” will apply an expiration date “X days” after the user’s date of completion of the learning item. It is important to note here that it will only apply an expiration date if the user completes the learning item. If the item is overdue, the item will remain overdue until completed, and at that point, the “valid for” setting will start to track time. 

Enrollment date and due date have no bearing on expiration and auto re-enrollment. What matters is the completion date and subsequent expiration date.

In the example screenshot above, a learner in this course, once completing the course, will have that completion valid for 365 days. The assigned expiration date will be 365 days after the completion date.

For the auto re-enroll function, the "Learners will be given 30 days to complete this course before it expires.” Re-enrollment will then occur 30 days before the assigned expiration date.

An example using dates:

  • I complete the course on 12/31/2022
  • My assigned expiration date will be 365 days after that on 12/31/2023
  • Re-enrollment will occur 30 days prior to that on 12/01/2023

Smart Group Behaviors


  • Courses that are "not started" are removed from the learner
  • Required courses that are "in progress" are moved to optional enrollments
    • ALL optional enrollments are NOT required to have a due date so they can never be overdue and will not show on manager or learner summary notification emails
  • Courses that are “completed” remain intact and remain on the Learn landing page
  • If a course re-enrollment is needed
    • There is an option to manually re-enroll individual users OR manually re-enroll all completed, but there isn’t a way to re-enroll a select number of users; it’s all or nothing
    • If admins need to re-enroll a significant number of users, but not ALL completed, they have to either do it one-by-one or manipulate the expiration and auto re-enrollment features to force a re-enrollment overnight


  • Programs that are “not started” are removed from the learner
    • Courses within the program follow the logic above
  • Required programs that are “in progress” will adopt course behaviors from above because the program enrollment will go away
    • An “In progress” course moves to the “Added by You” section
    • All completed courses will stay intact
    • Any courses that have not been started will be removed
  • If content is added to the program
    • If an admin re-enrolls the learner in the program, they will get the new content, but their completion will stay intact and they won't be required to take the newly added items
    • Program enrollments do not update once completed; auto re-enrollment is the only option for that
  • Users migrate to another group with overlap on some courses in a program
    • Course completion dates would be the date of the completion for the original taking of the course (in the previously enrolled program)
    • If the courses are the same, the learner’s program completion will be the day they were enrolled in the new program (assuming all courses were completed)
  • If a program re-enrollment is needed
    • There is no manual re-enroll option for programs, so admins have to set expiration dates to force auto re-enrollment
    • Programs do not allow for uploading enrollment data like completion or expiration dates en masse via CSV as can be done with courses, which means admins have to go through and manually and individually set expiration dates for every user they wish to force an auto re-enrollment


  • Journeys that are “not started” are removed from the learner
    • Courses within the journey follow the logic above

Archiving Content with Enrollments

When a course is archived, we do recommend removing the content affiliations to groups and disabling any expiration and re-enrollment rules set up at the course- or Program-level.

No existing enrollments will be deleted. If the learnable stays affiliated to the group, even in an archived state, enrollments will continue to generate in the background as users get added to those groups.  No notification is triggered as the enrollment starts off in an archived state.

A learner will not see enrollments in archived items. They will only see completed enrollments from archived items in their “completed” section. They will not be able to access the archived content. Upon hover, it will show that the course is no longer available:

Users that were mid-flight will completely lose access to the content.

Admins and Managers will see the archived enrollments in the admin settings of a user profile.

If the course is completed, it will show in the user’s completed section:

If the course was mid-flight, it will remain with the user, and if not in an overdue state already, it will transition to an overdue state at some point since the learner no longer has access to it:

If the course is part of a Program or Programs, learners who enroll into that Program will not see the course in their enrollments should they self-enroll; however, they can still see it when previewing the Program.

The course will show as being an archived course in that preview:

We do recommend deleting the course from the Program to prevent any confusion for the learners:

For the Analytics Transcript reporting, archived enrollments are not included in the reporting by default. They can be added into any report via the “more” option and then choosing “yes” for showing archived learnables:

Once refreshed, you can see that Stephanie is in a completed state for the course while James will continue to be overdue for the course:

Modifying Enrollments & Re-enrolling in Bulk

It is possible to modify enrollment data via CSV. The “Add via CSV” hyperlink option at the course level will allow you to upload enrollment data and modify due dates.

You want to start by exporting the existing enrollments:

You will see a file like this, and you'll need to change the due date to mm/dd/yyyy of your desired new date:

Delete every column except for the UID and the due date. You'll also want to remove any rows with users who have a completion date (column J). Your final file should look something like this:

In our example, there is only one learner with a due date that needs modified. We have transitioned the due date from 1/12/23 to 1/25/23. The file is ready for upload.

While there is only one learner in this example, we do recommend testing this for ONE user in your course before doing a full upload. Once you’ve uploaded that user, refreshed the page, and confirmed the desired behavior, then upload your entire file with the changes. You’ll drag the following UID and due at pills to the appropriate file columns:

After hitting “finish” and accepting the changes, you will be directed back to the learner page for the course. Hit refresh and the due date should now show the uploaded date:

Again, you do not want to include any COMPLETED enrollments in your import or you'll be doubling up on those learners.

It’s important to note that the “Add via CSV” for Programs, live trainings, and checkpoints only functions as a way to mass create enrollments. You will not be able to make any modifications to existing enrollments as you’ve done here in a course.

Resetting VS Re-enrolling

There is a difference between resetting and re-enrolling learners. 

To RESET an enrollment erases progress on the current active enrollment, bringing it to a “Not Started” state. To RE-ENROLL the learner takes the current active and completed enrollment and makes it inactive while making a new active record for the learner.

Re-enrolling a learner when the intention was to reset the learner will require intervention from our support team in order to fix.

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