What if I want to go from Manual to Auto CSV provisioning?

This article serves as a reference for those wishing to go from Manual to Auto CSV. Making the switch will make automation easier in your account - use this guide if you've just purchased an HRIS tool or simply want to take something off of your plate!

As far as order of operations when making the switch:

  • You can do a manual upload of the file in the interface through "add via CSV" prior to turning on auto CSV with that same file mapped to the appropriate fields
  • Once all the fields are modified, you'll need to go in and manage all of your smart groups
    • i.e. If custom field "Location" was "California" before the change and now it's "CA," you'd need to go and modify every group to reflect that new location value (note: you cannot modify values in the smart group selector if the value doesn't yet exist for just a single user)
  • What will happen to enrollments if a learner jumps out of the smart group during these changes?
    • Any completed content for learners will remain completed
      • If the training wasn't set to expire, so the completion is still an active enrollment (although completed) and not grayed out, these learners won't get re-enrolled
    • Anything in progress that was required based on the smart group affiliation to the content will go to an optional enrollment (no progress will be lost
      • No notifications will go out when the enrollment goes back to required once the user data matches the smart group assignment
    • Anything not started will be removed
      • A notification would go out when the enrollment is re-created as required (note: you can turn off notifications when doing this i you'd like to avoid this happening)
  • Auto CSV runs and adds or removes users as needed
    • Based on previous manual actions, nothing should change with the adjusted learners


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