How do I customize the Learning header in an account?

You can customize the Learning header for your account. Custom Learning headers display on the Learning page and the Learning Library.

•   Some features may be restricted based on
permissions for your user role.
•   This feature is not available in Bridge for Teams accounts.

Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin icon. Then, click the General menu option.

In the General menu, select Custom Branding.

Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ based on what is enabled in your account.

Edit Branding

Edit Branding

To edit branding, click the Customize for Learners button.

Open Learning Header Customization

Click the Learning Header link.

Custom Message

You can add a custom message to the Learning Header. This can be done to welcome people to your instance of Bridge or provide important company information.

Note: You can only use either a Custom Message or a Custom Title at a time.

Use Custom Title

To use a custom title, click the Custom Title toggle button [1]. Then enter your title in the Custom Title field [2].

Note: The Custom Message option must be disabled to enable the Custom Title option.

Add Brand Photo

To upload a brand photo, drag an image file into the Brand Photo field or browse for an image file.

Adjust or Replace Brand Photo

To upload a different brand photo, click the Change link [1]. To remove the current photo, click the Remove link [2].

To adjust the transparency of the photo, use the Transparency slider [3].

Adjust Image Format

To adjust how an image is formatted in the header, click the Format drop-down menu. Then select a format option. Format options include Fill Screen, Fit to Screen, Stretch to Fill, Center, and Tile.

Preview Header Changes

Preview your custom header in the Learning page [1] and Learning Library [2].

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