As an admin, you can manage factors in your organization. Factors are what drives employees to work at your organization. Factors are customizable and groups employee engagement responses to represent certain aspects of your organization.
• Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.
• In order to see question result data, your engagement survey must have at least one factor associated with it.
Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin option. Then, click the Engagement menu option. You can then select the Manage Factors option.
Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.
View Factor Library
The Factor Library displays all of the factors in your organization. Factors are what drives employees to work at your organization.
To a create a new factor, click the Add Factor button [1].
The Factor Library displays the factor name [2], a description of the factor [3], and tags, if any [4]. Tags are used for learning content recommendations for managers with low scores on a specific factor after the survey closes.
Note: In order to see question result data, your engagement survey must have at least one factor associated with it.
Add Tag to Factor

To add a tag to a factor, click the Add Tag link [1]. In the Search field [2], type the name of the tag. In the populated tag list, click the name of the tag [3].