How do I select a focus skill in my career development plan as an employee?

In your career development plan, you can plan and track your career growth by gaining skills and experiences. As an employee, the career development plan enables you to grow in your current role and move towards your ultimate career experience.

In the Career Development Plan page, you can focus on developing specific skills. You can select up to three focus skills, or the skills where you will place most of your focus and development efforts, at a time.

After selecting a focus skill, you can add associated goals, tasks, and learning items to develop your focus skill. Recommended focus skills that your admin has designated for your title will display in the Career Development Plan page.

Open Career Development Plan

Click on the ME option in the Global Navigation menu. Then click on  Development Plan.

Select Focus Skill

Click the Search icon and enter a search term [1]. You can also select a focus skill by clicking one of the recommended skills in the Focus Skill list [2].

Note: Recommended skills will only display if your organization admin has designated recommended skills for your title.

Undo Focus Skill Selection

Image of Focus Skill Builder displaying the Undo link

To remove a focus skill, click the Undo link.


  • The Undo link will no longer be visible after you click anywhere in the interface.
  • If the Undo link is no longer available, you can still remove the skill by using the More Actions menu.

Enter Success Definition

Image of Focus Skill Builder Success Statement form

In the Success Statement text box, enter a definition of what it means to successfully master your focus skill [1]. Your success statement will display under the title of the skill in the Career Development Plan page. To skip this step, click the Skip link [2].

Save Success Definition

Image of Focus Skill Builder Success Statement form

To save your success statement, click the Done link.

Add Focus Skill Content

Image of Focus Skill Builder

To set a goal that is associated with your focus skill, click the Add Goal button [1]. To add a task that is associated with your focus skill, click the Add Task button [2]. To find and enroll in a learning item that is associated with your focus skill, click the Enroll button [3]. To finish the focus skill without completing all associated goals, tasks, and learning items, click the More Actions icon [4] and click the Finish Skill for Now option [5].

Add Additional Focus Skills

Image of Focus Skill Builder with Add Skill icon highlighted

To add a new focus skill, click the Add Skill icon. You can add up to three focus skills at a time.

Finish Focus Skill

Image of Focus Skill Builder with content cards

To finish your focus skill, complete the goals, tasks, and learning items associated with the focus skill.

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