How do I sign in to the Bridge Mobile app on an Android device?

Once you download the Bridge Mobile app from the Play store, you can use the app to sign in to your Bridge account. The Bridge Mobile app uses the same sign-in procedure as Bridge and is secured through your single sign-on (SSO) provider or Bridge's default authentication.

The Bridge Mobile app will ask for the URL of your organization to find your Bridge account.

• The images in this lesson show a phone display. Unless otherwise noted, directions are identical for a tablet.
• All communication between Bridge and the Bridge Mobile app is encrypted over HTTPS.
• Organizations using a custom, legacy version of SAML cannot sign in to the Bridge Mobile app.

Open Bridge Mobile App

Open your device and tap the Bridge icon.

Enter Work URL

Enter your organization’s Bridge URL in the Work Domain field [1]. Then tap the Continue button [2].  You can toggle My Bridge domain URL ends with [4] as needed (this is only necessary if your domain does not contain 'bridgeapp').


  • To find your work URL, tap the Find your work domain link [3]. Your work URL can be found in your web browser's address bar.
  • If your organization uses an authentication system, you may be prompted to sign in to that authentication system.

Find Your Domain URL

The "Find your domain URL" option will explain how to identify and use your domain. To locate your domain URL you will want to open Bridge in your normal web browser. In the address bar you will see your site's address. In the mobile app enter the domain name before ''; if your URL does not end with the '' flip the toggle on the main page and type your full URL.

Still unable to login? You can also ask your company's IT, learning or HR department for your Bridge domain.

Enter Credentials

Enter your username [1] and password [2]. Tap the Sign In button [3].

If you don't know your password, tap the Forgot your password? link [4].

View Home Screen

View the Home screen for your account.

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