After selecting a focus skill, you can add a task to the focus skill. Adding a task to a focus skill enables you to plan and track your progress in mastering that focus skill as part of your career development plan. All tasks created from your Focus Skill Builder will be reflected in your Tasks menu.
Open Career Development Plan

Click on the ME option in the Global Navigation menu. Then click on Development Plan.
Add Task

Click the Add Task button.
Add Task Details

In the Focus Skill Task form, enter a description of your focus skill task [1]. Click the Create link [2]. To exit the Focus Skill Task form, click the Cancel link [3].
Complete Task

To edit your task, click the task description text [1]. When you have completed the task, click the Complete link [2]. To delete your task, click the Delete icon [3].
View Completed Items

To view your completed tasks, click the View All link.
Undo Task Completion

To undo the task completion, click the Mark Incomplete link [1]. To hide the completed task from the Focus Skill Builder, click the Hide link [2].