Bridge Perform Release Notes (2018-12-20)

In this Bridge Perform release (December 20), employees and managers can create Performance Conversation agendas, update goals within their 1on1 agendas, and view an updated landing page. Several bug fixes are also included.


New Features


Performance Conversation Agenda

Employees and managers can create Performance Conversation agendas. This feature allows employees and managers to have high-level conversations about long-term growth and development. Conversations can be scheduled at any time, though quarterly discussions are the most meaningful.


In the 1on1 page, employees can select between a Performance Conversation agenda and regular 1on1 check-in agenda on their employee card.


My Career Page Switch Agendas


In the My Team page, managers can select between a Performance Conversation agenda and regular 1on1 check-in agenda on employee cards.


My Team Page Switch Agendas


In an agenda, employees and managers can switch between a Performance Conversation agenda and regular 1on1 check-in agenda using the My conversations icon.


My Conversations Icon


Once the Performance Conversation agenda is selected by the employee or manager, the agenda needs to be curated.


The Performance Conversation Wizard helps prepare the agenda for the employee and manager to begin their discussion. The wizard encourages managers and employees to take time to reflect on specific items to curate a meaningful discussion.


Performance Conversation Wizard


Prepare Performance Conversation Agenda


Performance Conversation agendas include wins and achievements, plans for career development, and other sections that are populated by the previous agendas between the employee and manager.


View Performance Conversation Agenda


After one user completes the agenda, the other user will be notified.


Notify User Performance Conversation Ready


Users can close the wizard and resume creating the agenda at any time.


Resume Creation Performance Conversation


Performance Conversation Agenda Settings

Admins can customize questions in the Performance Conversation settings. Question customization provides admins with more control over the types of questions employees and managers view during the discussion.


Open Performance Conversation Settings


Updated Features


1on1 Agenda Goal Edits

Goals can be updated and edited directly within 1on1 agendas. This update allows users to make changes or updates to their goals during their 1on1 meeting rather than navigating to the Goals page.


Add Goal in Agenda


Landing Page Update

All Bridge information is readily accessible in an updated landing page. This update allows users to view their 1on1s, timeline, goals, learning, and other items in one place. The 1on1, Learning, and Goal sections are sorted and displayed in descending order with the most overdue items at the top.


View Updated Landing Page


Users can dismiss overdue learn items. Dismissed overdue learning items are not displayed again until a new overdue item appears.


Dismiss Overdue Learn Items


Fixed Bugs


Profile Picture Uploads

Users can upload profile pictures. Previously, users received an error when attempting to upload a profile picture.


Calendar Drop-down Menu Text

Due Date text no longer displays in the calendar drop-down menu. Previously, when multiple sub-tasks were added to goals, the Due Date text displayed in the calendar drop-down.


Peer Agenda Loading

Shared agendas load for users who accept peer agenda invitations. Previously, the invitation to the agenda did not load.


Employee Goal Editing

Managers can edit goals they create and assign to their employees. Previously, managers were unable to edit assigned goals to employees.

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