Bridge Learn Release Notes (2019-02-07)

In this Bridge Learn release (February 7), account admins and managers can use the search field in the Deep Dive page to narrow search results. Several bug fixes are also included. 

New Feature

Deep Dive Search Field

Account admins and managers can use the search field in the Deep Dive page to narrow search results. This function allows admins to search the filtered deep dive results. This feature reduces workflow and makes it easier to find specific points of data. 



Fixed Bugs

Internet Explorer

Bridge can be accessed using Internet Explorer. Previously, Bridge was unable to load using Internet Explorer.


Reversed Logo

The reversed logo shows on course cover slides while using dark mode. Previously, the reversed logo was not showing in place of the standard logo on course cover slides while using dark mode.


Shared Courses

Courses shared with sub accounts can be accessed in the learning library. Previously, courses shared with sub accounts could not be accessed in the learning library.


Missing Live Training Library Items

Live trainings are populating correctly in the live training library. Previously, live trainings were not populating outside the first page of search results in the live training library. 

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