Learn |
In this Bridge Learn release (May 15), Authors will be able to re-enroll learners into a course regardless of the expiration or auto re-enroll status. Learners will be able to see only the upcoming sessions via registration links or within the learning library making it easier to find a session to attend. As well as more filtering options for live training. We’ve also fixed a bug with category images, not displaying. |
New Features
Learners can be re-enrolled into completed courses without expire/re-enroll setup.
Authors will be able to re-enroll learners into a course regardless of the expiration or auto re-enroll status.
Updated Features
Only upcoming sessions show in registration links and learning library
Learners will be able to see only the upcoming sessions via registration links or within the learning library making it easier to find a session to attend.
More filtering options for Live Trainings.
More filtering options Learners will be able to sort by: date added, Title A-Z, Title Z-A. Authors will be able to filter by: Only My Live Trainings, Published Sessions, Unpublished Sessions, Has enrollments, No enrollments
Fixed Bugs
Category images not showing on title card in learning library
This issue had caused the category image not to show we’ve got this corrected so the image again shows.
Employee Development |
In this Bridge Perform release (May 15), the timeline display has been updated to reflect 1on1 check-ins and performance conversations separately. |
New Features
Separate Check-Ins and PCs on the Timeline
The timeline display has been updated to reflect 1on1 check-ins and performance conversations separately.
Mobile |
In this Bridge Mobile release (May 15), Learners can browse the Learning Library and enroll in learning items. |
New Feature
Learning Library is available on the mobile app.
At this time Learners can browse the Learning Library and enroll in learning items.