Release Notes 2020-10-30


In this Bridge Learn release (Oct 30) Authors can now select a Clear gradient option for the header when creating or editing a program. There was an issue where SCORM courses imported to Bridge were not using the settings for the account.

Updated Feature

Program headers now have a clear gradient option 

Authors can now select a Clear gradient option for the header when creating or editing a program. If this option is selected there will be no gradient overlay on the image. If there is no image it will default to a black background.


Bug Fixes

SCORM course settings not being applied correctly during the initial import

There was an issue where SCORM courses imported to Bridge were not using the settings for the account. Such settings as Registration Instancing: "Always move enrollments", Course launch type: "new window", and Score rollup mode: "latest attempt." will now be applied correctly when a SCORM course is imported to Bridge.


Employee Development

In this Bridge Perform release (Oct 30) Previously there were inconsistencies between the CSV export of Goals in Insights and the Data Dump.


Bug Fixes

Goals CSV Export in Data Dump & Insights now have consistent visibility parameters

Previously there were inconsistencies between the CSV export of Goals in Insights and the Data Dump. Some goals were missing from the Data Dump that were present in Insights, making the CSV exports difficult to use for auditing. At this time both reports include goals where visibility is either “Everyone” or “Me and My Manager”. “Private (Me)” goals are excluded from both exports.

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