Release Notes 2021-02-05


In this Bridge Learn release (Feb 5), You can now select which files you want to export for the Data Dump. We’ve added support for additional products that one can embed on a slide in a course.

Updated Features

Data Export Enhancements

You can now select which files you want to export for the Data Dump. In the past, the export always included all data for an account; there was no option to limit the export only to files wanted. This enhancement allows you to select which files to include in the export.

New Embedly Options

We’ve added support for additional products that one can embed on a slide in a course. The new items you can embed are:



In this Bridge Performance release (Feb 5), Now in the Directory, users can see all indirect reports related to an individual user, along with the number of direct reports. 

Updated Features

Show all indirect reports

Now in the Directory, users can see all indirect reports related to an individual user, along with the number of direct reports. The indirect reports number is calculated by all of the reports of that user's direct reports. It’s meant to make it easier for individuals to see the scale of an entire organization.

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