Content Management
Create, edit and manage content
Bridge Advanced Video FAQs
Leveraging institutional knowledge to create engaging content to help employees learn and grow is key fo...
How do I use Bridge Advanced Video through the Editor?
Bridge Advanced Video integrates with Bridge and allows authors, managers, or admins to integrate media ...
Best Practices for Using Bridge Advanced Video to Train Customers
A public container has permissions that allow for non-Bridge users to view the BAV content without forma...
How do I set up and use Bridge Advanced Video?
BAV has an organization system that we refer to as “containers.” This is a folder system, and there is n...
How to create a content repository with Bridge Advanced Video
Bridge Advanced Video can be positioned as a page in the Learning Library navigation. ...
How do I make a video or file from BAV available publicly?
A public container has permissions that allow for non-Bridge users to view the BAV content. Here are som...
Best practices for using categories and smart groups to expose content to learners
In this document, you’ll find all the pro tips on how to best architect your Bridge account to expose al...
How do I see a group's categories and their relevance?
You will need to go to the data dump and pull three files: Tags.csv is a list of all active and deleted ...
How do I see which categories or tags are assigned to content?
You will need to go to the data dump and pull these files: Taggings.csv is a list of all tags and catego...
How do I use categories to help manage my content?
Categories are a feature in Bridge that allow for learner-facing organization. They give an admin the ab...
How do I add a category to a learning content item in an account?
Categories act as containers for learning content items and enable admins to target learning content to ...
How do I create and manage categories in an account?
As an admin, you can create, view, and manage categories in your account. Categories can be added to lea...
How do I add a certificate of completion to a course?
You can choose whether or not to have your course automatically distribute a certificate when a user completes the co...
How do I view a certificate of completion for my course?
If your course includes a certificate of completion, you can view the certificate after you have complet...
How do I use the Checkpoints page?
The Checkpoints page shows you all of your checkpoints in Bridge.Note: Some features may be restricted b...
How do I use the Checkpoints page as a manager?
The Checkpoints page shows you all of your checkpoints in Bridge. All supported checkpoint features are ...
How do I find a user to add to a checkpoint?
Once an admin has added users to your account, you can find users to add to your checkpoint.You can also...
How do I find a group to add to a checkpoint?
If groups have been created in your account, you can add groups to a checkpoint.Any groups added to your...
How do I view checkpoint details?
Once you've created a checkpoint, you can view and edit details about your checkpoint.Note: Some feature...
How do I add an attachment to checkpoint instructions?
You can add file attachments to a checkpoint.Bridge currently supports the following file types and form...
How do I add or update users to a course via CSV?
You can use a CSV file to add users to a course.Before uploading, please confirm how to properly format ...
How do I upload or replace a course package (SCORM, AICC, PPT, JSON)?
Bridge allows you to create courses by uploading SCORM, AICC, PowerPoint (.ppt and .pptx), and JSON file...
How do I find a user to add to a course?
Once users have been added to your account, you can add users to your course. If adding users via CSV fi...
How do I add media files in a slide?
You can add media content when adding content to a course slide.Bridge currently supports the following ...
How do I Create a Media Course
You can create a course with a single media item to become a Media Course. This will allow videos or *PD...
Best practices for using Journeys in Bridge
A Journey is: A mechanism in Bridge that allows for the use of imported user data to automate affiliatio...
[Video] Creating a Journey in Bridge
Learn about Journeys and how to create them.
[Video] The Difference Between Linear & Non-Linear Journeys
Learn about the difference between linear and non-linear Journeys in Bridge.
[Video] How are Journeys Different from Programs?
Best practices on when to use Programs or Journeys (or both!) in Bridge.
How do I set up a Journey?
Journeys will allow you to construct comprehensive learning/development experiences by combining Program...
Journeys Scheduling FAQs
FAQs When will Journeys Scheduling be released? By the time this FAQ is available, all limi...
How do I use the Learning Library?
Users can view a categorized catalog of learning content to self-enroll in. Self-enrolled content is not required and...
How do I add a course to the Learning Library?
Any course in your account can be added to the Learning Library for users to self-enroll in.Note: Some features may b...
How do I self-enroll in a course or program in the Learning Library?
Users can find and self-enroll in courses and programs from the Learning Library. Self-enrolled courses ...
How do I view Learning items in the Bridge Mobile app on an Android device as an employee?
The Learning screen lists all your required learning items, learning items added by you, and completed l...
How do I view Learning items in the Bridge Mobile app on an iOS device as an employee?
The Learning page lists all your required learning items, learning items added by you, and completed learning items.T...
What content can be embedded in Bridge?
Content from secure external websites can be embedded in Bridge courses using the Embedly integration. Embedly suppor...
How do I add a live training?
You can create a live training to schedule trainings for specific dates, times, and locations. This may ...
[Video] Creating a Live Training
In this video, we talk about creating and managing live trainings.
How do I add a session to a live training?
Each live training consists of one or more live training sessions. Having a variety of session dates, ti...
How do I manage Live Training resources?
From the Manage Resource page, Admins can add Instructors and Locations as trackable resources that Auth...
How do I use the Live Trainings page as an author?
You can add live trainings to your Bridge account. Live trainings allow for training and other corporate...
How do I use the Live Training Calendar?
The Live Training Calendar allows users to see live training sessions available for registration and tho...
What quiz types can I add to a course?
Bridge makes it easy to add quizzes to your course. Bridge includes three types of Smart Quizzes that generate their ...
How do I limit quiz attempts in a course?
Authors can limit the amount of quiz attempts users can take within a course. The Limit Quiz Attempts option designat...
How do I add feedback to a quiz question?
Authors can add custom feedback to quizzes within a course. Quiz feedback will display to users after they have submi...
How do I add a Sorting quiz?
Sorting quizzes let you create questions with answers in the form of sortable lists.See how users view Sorting quizze...
How do I add a Short Answer quiz?
Short answer quizzes let you collect open ended questions and answers.See how users view Short Answer quizzes.Note: S...
How do I add a Multiple Choice quiz?
Multiple Choice quizzes let you create your own questions that only have one correct answer.See how users view Multip...
How do I upload SCORM content?
We are going to walk through how to upload SCORM content, the default settings, how to change them, and ...
Offline SCORM (Beta) - Authors Guide
Offline SCORM is currently only available through a beta program. If you are interested in joining the b...
Offline SCORM (Beta) - FAQ
Offline SCORM is currently only available through a beta program. If you'd like to enable this feature f...
How do I view and manage my Bridge tasks?
If enabled for your account, you can manage tasks using the Tasks menu in the Global Navigation menu. Th...
What are Programs and how do I use them?
A Program is a collection of content that can be compiled and turned into a mini curriculum. You can req...
How do I create a new Program?
Once you have added or uploaded courses in Bridge, you can create a program for your account. Programs a...
How do I view Program details?
On the program details page, you can view and edit details about your program, including whether or not ...
How do I publish a Program?
When you are ready for your users to view your program, you can publish a program. Active courses appear...
How do I navigate a Program?
Programs are groups of two or more different courses, live trainings, or checkpoints. Learn how to view ...
How do I edit a Program?
You can edit the items in your program at any time. Program edits are automatically saved. However, if y...
How do I view survey details?
On the survey details page in Learn, you can view and edit details for your survey, including distributi...
How do I view my survey invitations?
When you are invited to take a survey in Learn, the survey notification will appear on the My Learning p...
How do I take a basic survey?
A survey in Learn can include a variety of questions or statements that measure agreement, comparison, f...
How do I view survey results?
Once a survey in Learn distribution has closed or been completed, you can view the results. The interact...
How do I distribute a survey?
To create distributions for your survey in Learn, you can add groups in your account. Users added to a g...
How do I preview a survey?
You can preview the way a survey in Learn will behave when a user interacts with it, as well as toggle b...
Bridge Advanced Course Authoring
Powered by Gomo See what you can do in Bridge course authoring and how much more you can d...
[Video] Advanced Authoring Feature Release: Directly Publish Content to Bridge
At Bridge, we believe that L&D teams deserve straightforward tools that integrate nicely with one anothe...