Measuring 1on1 frequency
We have a metric we're working to achieve: that at least 90% of our managers complete monthly 1on1 Check-Ins with the majority of their direct reports. We're having a challenging time determining an easy way to measure that metric. Does anyone else report on a similar Check-In-related metric? If yes, how do you calculate it? Thanks in advance!
Hi Amy,
Thanks for your quick response and insight! Based off of the information you provided, we're reworking this metric to make it easier to track. Instead of determining whether most managers are holding monthly 1on1s with the majority of their direct reports, we're going to track how many employees have 1on1s on at least a monthly basis. We've realized that's an easier metric to measure on a quarterly basis.
We have not gotten as far as measuring the qualitative effect of 1on1 frequency. We're starting with measuring 1on1 quantity in the hope that the qualitative benefits will follow. The struggle for a segment of our manager population is finding the time to hold 1on1s in the midst of their and their staffs' busy schedules. We're promoting the Bridge mobile app as a quicker and easier way to access the 1on1 Check-In agenda.
Brainstorming around qualitative metrics you could use to measure 1on1 effectiveness: does your company use Bridge engagement surveys? If yes, you could include a question in the survey around manager support (examples: "I feel well supported by my manager"; "My manager takes the time to regularly meet with me to further my development."). If that question score increases as more frequent 1on1s are held, that could be interpreted as a possible correlation. Additionally, if you hold regular performance conversation review cycles, you could see if there is a correlation between more frequent 1on1s and the employee rating score (if you decide to include the employee rating score in your PC agendas). If the average manager-assigned employee rating increases as 1on1s occur more frequently, that could be interpreted as a possible correlation.
I hope these ideas help. Thanks again!
We have only used Bridge's Engage tool for a couple of very small things. It's fairly limited. We do an annual survey that is much more robust from an outside company and we have great information from that. That survey asks several questions like what you mentioned. However, that still doesn't let us know if some managers are just clicking the complete button because they are supposed to have frequent conversations. It's not really that they have to use the tool to have a quality conversation, but the tool is designed in a way to help facilitate a quality interaction. If they are using it appropriately, it would be great to have a way to measure that. And I don't think they are just clicking the complete button, but I would like to know which managers to target for more thorough instruction and guidance.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Hi Jackie,
We do something like this on a weekly cadence. In Insights, go to Performance. You then have the option to download the data. Unfortunately, it downloads all of your check-in data. We sort the completion column by date each week and then just pull the new check-ins. Once you have that information, you can probably just copy and paste into a new sheet.
What you do next sort of depends on your organizational structure and how many direct reports each manager has. What this data will show is just the total number of check-ins across the company. You can do some filtering to see how many managers have completed at least one check-in or how many employees have participated (those are separate columns).
I think your company size and structure will really dictate how useful this data is. However, it is also just a measure of how often the "complete check-in" button is pressed. That is definitely not an indicator of 1on1 quality. We are struggling to come up with how to qualitatively measure the effectiveness of our leadership team through 1on1s. We currently just focus on a lot of manager training to make sure they know some best practices. If you find a solution for that one, please pass it along!
That's a great point you make, Amy: there's not truly a way to know how many of those completed 1on1 agendas correlate with a quality conversation. I hope your survey data helps better illuminate such points.
Thanks for taking the time to respond, as well! It's truly appreciated.
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