Live Training: Not Attended?
Wondering how others are handling the absentee's for Live Training. Currently, if I run a stand-alone workshop and I add my learners. 5 of them don't show. If I leave them in as 'not attended' the training remains in the learning profile, basically forever, or until another session is set up and they attend, or until I manually remove them.
I don't want to remove them, nor do i want to leave it on their profile until another session is setup. I want to run a report that shows them as Not Attended.
There should be a way to track non attendees for sessions.
Thoughts? Ideas?
From what I've gathered so far, there isn't a neat way to do it, only to leave them as non-attendees, but then it will indeed show on the profile forever. I wonder if the devs ever address it
Agreed with Daria - I've encountered the same issue and am following this post to hopefully find an answer!
Hi all! Thanks for bringing this up - I've gone ahead and brought this up to our product team, and we'll be in touch if/when there are any updates in this space.
That said, I did want to recommend taking a look at one of our recent March Madness Webinars about Live Training, where Kate Toothman from Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits discusses some of her LT best prax - including archiving LTs so that they don't appear in a learner's library.
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