Third party iframe content within a slide Answered

Ben Wyatt

Is it possible to embed an iFrame containing third party content within a slide in BridgeApp?

I've taken a look at but this does not seem to provide the functionality I am after.

Many thanks




  • Comment author
    Isaac Hamblin
    • Edited

    Hi Ben! That's a great question. At this time, Bridge courses do not support embedding things other than media files and links through I would recommend either filling out a feature idea here. Our development team uses these ideas to help determine what features are created next.

  • Comment author
    Amy Skyles

    Hi Ben,

    You can also submit a feature request through your instance of Bridge. Click the "more" icon at the bottom of your global navigation (three dots), then "Helpful Resources" and then "Share an Idea." This will bring up a Google form. I recommend telling it to send you a copy of your response so you will have it for your records. You don't get any communication back from the product team so knowing when you submitted it can be helpful in conversations with your CSM. You should also always share any feature requests you've made with your CSM so he or she can know what is on your list for product improvements.

    Best regards,


  • Comment author
    Ben Wyatt

    Thanks Isaac - I'll submit the feature idea.

  • Comment author
    Isaac Hamblin

    Sorry about that! I accidentally had a "." at the end of the link. I've gone ahead and fixed that in my comment, but here's the full link just in case:

  • Comment author
    Chris Clark

    Any update on this? Have a current use-case for doing an iframe with our company website. Thanks!

  • Comment author
    Daria Zaikovskaia

    Any update on this? 

  • Comment author
    Stephanie Kemp

    Hey, Daria Zaikovskaia. We have no updates on this one at this time. If you need direct help on something, please don't hesitate to reach out to with questions.


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