Live Training requires manager approval?
Is there an option (or a workaround) to require learners to have approval from their manager before registering for a live training? For illustration:
- John Doe (Learner) registers for Live Training #1
- John Doe receives a notification that he has reserved a spot in Live Training #1 and will receive confirmation once he receives manger approval.
- Janet Smith (Manager of JD) receives a notification that John Doe requests approval to register for Live Training #1
- Janet Smith approves registration.
- John Doe receives confirmation of registration for Live Training #1.
If this option is not currently available is it on the road map for future development?
Hi Tiffany,
I have an option that I think should work, but it's definitely a little bit of a workaround. You could create a Program with two steps. The first step would be a checkpoint. When the learner enrolls in the program, the checkpoint will ask the employee to discuss the training with their manager. Once the employee acknowledges (by approving the checkpoint) that this discussion has occurred, the manager will be notified (checkpoint must require approval and select manager as approver). The manager will then approve the checkpoint and the next step in the program will open up. This next step will need to be the live training itself.
One of my teammates is troubleshooting right now because even if the live training in a program is not in the learning library but the program is in the library, Bridge might still allow the employees to access. We had a discussion about the whole course/program/checkpoint parody issue just yesterday. Sometimes what you expect to happen in one area because of your experience in another area in Bridge, you might be disappointed.
Please let me know if this solution works for you.
Best regards,
If manager approval is added, I would like to see it as an option, not a requirement. I can see live trainings that it would be great on, and others where it's unnecessary and would complicate the process. We had a system that required manager approval and it got cumbersome when an employees manager was out of the office and the employee who was requesting approval may miss their seat in the class because they were not approved fast enough.
Hi Amy,
What resolution was your team able to come to? I would love to connect and hear more about how you and your team utilize Bridge.
Thank you!
Lauren Pumford,
That was so long ago that I honestly don't even remember! I believe the issue was because a live training followed a course in a program. They had to complete the course before signing up for the live training. It may have been a case where we needed to force the sequence in the program but I can't recall for sure.
Thanks Amy and Katie for your suggestions. We decided to use Amy's solution (a 2-part programme) and it has worked well thus far. We make the programme available in the Library to all learners. This approach forces the SMEs to be organized early since we have to release content early enough to allow learners to engage with their managers long before the enrollment deadline.
Perhaps Bridge can incorporate the approval of a live-session in future developments but for now it is suffice.
Thank you, Tiffany and Amy!
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