Updated course showing old content (SCORM packages)

Joel Room


I'm building courses in Storyline 360 and uploading them as SCORM zip files.

This used to work with no issues but lately when I update a course with a new file it still shows old content, even if I delete the old package.

Does anyone have an idea what's happening?

At the moment I have to create a new course each time I have to update it.

 Any advice is appreciated.




  • Comment author
    Christina McAlmond

    I just had, what I believe is, the same issue.  I contacted support and was told that it was due to migration setting that were chosen/default when I first enrolled our staff.  So the migration setting will "stick" with the person at the time of enrollment- so that even if you change it prior to replacing your scorm package it won't show up unless you had the right migration setting on originally.  They suggested changing migration status to ALWAYS MOVE ENROLLMENTS anytime you create a scorm course.  What I finally had to do was manually reset any learners who were in progress for them to see the new content.  Hope that helps.  

  • Comment author
    Kate Coskrey

    Just an update on this - I was advised that if a user was enrolled while the course was set to a particular migration setting, and the course migration settings were changed while a user was currently taking their course, the user's enrollment would still be using the former migration setting option and only users enrolled after the change would have the latter setting applied to their enrollments. I tested this, and this is accurate. I requested that the guide materials be updated to a a note in the guide for "How to upload replace a course package". I was advised that this would be added to the guide.

  • Comment author
    Kate Coskrey

    I had this EXACT issue. Problem is I don't have the rights to reset a learner. I will need to contact my Super Admin for support EVERY time I do this. 

    This needs to change - both the SCORM issue AND the ability to reset a learner at the Author level.

  • Comment author
    Katie Swenson

    Thank you for adding this, Kate.  That makes sense-- it's strange and explains why I've had this problem after changing the setting.  I appreciate you looping back with this info.  


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