Media Course Open Beta

Nikki Bodily

Media Courses Open Beta

In the past, if you had a video or PDF that you wanted to share with your users in Bridge, you always had to either add it as an attachment or embed it within a course. With Media Courses, you can assign these resources to your learners as their own learning items!


How do you access the open beta? 

  • Under Account Settings, select the Beta tab and toggle on the Full Screen Media Course beta. 


  • Create a course and add a single item through BAV, Vimeo, or YouTube. Do not add anything else to the course content.

  • Assign the course to your users to view the content in full screen!




  • Comment author
    Amy Watson

    Will this automatically carry through if learning is shared to a subaccount from the main account?  I don't see a Beta tab in the subaccount.  Thx.

  • Comment author
    Emily Gallichan

    This sounds great! I've been so keen to have this for PDFs so learners dont just see a file they then have to download to their local drive.

    I've enabled the Beta but although the text above says that it works for PDFs and Videos, I've tried to add a PDF file to a new course and it still just shows as a file for download rather than opening a preview in full screen. Could someone please advise?

  • Comment author
    Zuzana Uherkovichova

    Hi, I've too enabled the Beta but the PDF files addition doesn't work (shows as a file in attachment for download) nor does the full screen video work.

  • Comment author
    Emily Gallichan

    Zuzana Uherkovichova I contacted Bridge to query and they said that the full screen only works with Bridge Advanced Video, which we don't have installed at present. We're getting it added in at renewal (at a small cost).


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