You can create a course with a single media item to become a Media Course. This will allow videos or *PDFs to display in full screen.
If you use Bridge Advanced Media, you can now require users to watch an entire video before being marked completed in the item.
- To set a PDF as a media course, you do need to have Bridge Advanced Media.*
- Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.
Create New Course
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Author icon. Then, click the Courses menu option. In here select +New Course.
Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.
Add media
In the toolbar, select the Media icon and add a single resource through Bridge Advanced Media, Vimeo, or YouTube. Do not add anything else to the course content. If you add anything else to the course, it will not become a full-screen Media Course.
Once you've added the Media item, go back to the Course page to set requirements. You can set the duration threshold in the settings using the Required Score.
If it's set to 80% (the Bridge default), that means that the users will need to watch 80% of the video to mark themselves as complete. It has to be 80% unique seconds to complete the course; this means re-watching the same 10 seconds multiple times will not allow a user to complete the course.
Users can then be enrolled in the new Media Course.
- For Bridge Advanced Media (BAM) courses, once users get into the courses, they won't be able to select the complete button until they reach the duration threshold set for the video.
- Users can mark themselves complete upon entering the course unless it is a BAM video.
The duration threshold only works for videos uploaded through Bridge Advanced Media. We cannot track the viewing activity of a video hosted on another site like YouTube, Vimeo, or other types of resources like PDFs and external links.