Bridge believes that continuous feedback is critical to employee development. The new Recognition feature in Bridge Perform allows employees to provide one another with informal written feedback at any time.
Access Recognition
To access Recognition select Company from the Global Navigation and then Recognition.
Creating Recognition
In the Recognition area you will type the name [1] for any person in your company. You can then write a message [2] to the person for you want to recognize, you can select if it's a public or private recognition [3].
My Company Recognitions [4] displays all public recognition provided to users in your company.
You can choose to recognize multiple people in the same post. Simply type their names in and then provide feedback as you would for an individual user. Once you're done, just hit send, and it will post right away.
- The default setting for recognition is public.
- You can engage with one another by commenting on posts and by reacting with ‘like’ on them.
- Administrators can delete posts.
Deleting Recognitions
An additional permission must be applied to any existing (or newly created) role in order to delete a recognition post. For information on how to adjust the roles & permissions see the guide: How do I assign or modify user roles in an account?
Once the permission is applied to the role you will see a trash can icon [1] that you can use to delete recognitions.
My Company Recognitions
The My Company Recognitions can be filtered by either Me or Anyone in the Company. When selecting "Me" it will show the recognitions either provided by you or for you.
Email notifications are sent to you when you receive recognition from your colleagues. You can read the recognition message in the notification and navigate directly to the Recognition page of your Bridge account to comment on the recently received recognition.
This notification currently cannot be disabled under the Notifications settings.