Best practices for using categories and smart groups to expose content to learners

In this document, you’ll find all the pro tips on how to best architect your Bridge account to expose all the right content to the right learners at just the right time.

Believe it or not, It all starts with configuring the CSV user import with all of the appropriate fields for smart group automation (a sample can be downloaded here). To better understand the different views of the interface, we recommend creating, at minimum, three versions of yourself (admin, manager, and learner) with email aliases.

You only need to acknowledge the welcome emails if you want to login specifically as that user. If not, you can masquerade as each user. Another function of this practice, however, is that it will allow you to receive the various notifications for each user, including the weekly digest emails.

Make sure that you use some custom fields that allow for different smart group creation and content affiliation. Some of the most popular smart groups look like manager group (y/n), new hire group (y/n), state, etc.

Have a content management spreadsheet as a source of truth (sample can be found here).

  • Include the categories (all of them if more than one)
  • Include the tags (also, all of them)
  • Optional: keep track if the content has a certificate, quiz, score, etc.
  • Optional: keep track if the content is archived

Start building out smart groups and use Learner Relevance in Bridge to expose content to different learners.

  • Required: must be completed by learner (typically has a due date)
  • Recommended: shows up in recommended section of Learn landing page
  • In Learning Library: will be exposed in the Learning Library

Leverage utilizing numbers so that those categories will show up first in the sequence of categories.

  • Anything that is for “All Learners” should get the first numbers (recommendation is to not do more than five)
  • Then, create any subsequent numbers for a single large group (recommendation is to do this for the managers)

Make sure you include images with the categories. Ask your marketing team if there is specific collateral that you can leverage. Pexels is a great site for free stock photos. If you need to create your own, highly recommend Canva.

As you build out your course library, attach all categories (and tags).

You will affiliate the category (stack-of-papers-looking icon) at the group level:

Another example is that the employees in New York are required to take New York Harassment training, so the New York smart group will show this single course as required:

When masquerading as the three various roles in the Sleigh instance, there are a few different variations of the UI that will appear for each of those users:

  • Admin (also a manager): All Learners and Manager affiliations
  • Manager: All Learners and Manager affiliations, plus New York required content based on “State” value of “New York”
  • Learner: All Learners affiliations, plus recommend course “Welcome to Sleigh” based on “New Hire” value of “Y"

Admin View

All Learner’s are exposed to categories with numbers 1-3 in addition to two other categories

These will show on the landing page and then as sections in the Learning Library

Manager View

Since the manager as the value of “New York” in the state custom field, this user is given a required training: New York Sexual Harassment Prevention

The manager is given access to the same 1-3 categories as the All Learners in addition to a number 4 category, which is manager training, plus the other two categories available to the All Learners.

The manager will also see these categories as sections in the Learning Library

Learner View

Since the learner as the value of “Y” in the new hire custom field, this user is given a recommended training: Welcome to Sleigh

The learner is given access to the same 1-3 categories in addition to the other two categories available to the All Learners

The learner will also see these categories as sections in the Learning Library.

Increase training delivery efficiency by automating enrollments through smart groups.

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