If you're using Bridge to distribute content via subaccounts, you can leverage these metrics to measure content engagement and adoption rates of the LMS by your customers. By tracking these metrics, you'll gain insight into how effectively the content is being consumed and how actively customers are engaging with the platform.
Number of Subaccounts Created
If your content distribution relies on B2B customers, an increase in the number of domains could indicate a rise in sales. To see the number of domains associated with your account, navigate to Admin > Download All Data > Domains. This can help track how your content is being utilized across different clients and serve as a metric for overall business growth.
To filter for the root account in your dataset, set the parent_id (Column C) to 1, which represents the root account. This will allow you to view data specific to the main account while excluding subaccounts, giving you a clearer picture of activity at the root level.
To filter for active records, set the deleted_at (Column F) field to blank. This indicates that the course or record is still active, as any entry with a value in the deleted_at column would have been deleted or archived. This helps you narrow down the dataset to include only currently active content.
To get a count of all subaccounts, filter by name (Column C). For a more granular breakdown, use the created_at date (Column D) to filter by year and see the number of subaccounts created within specific time frames. This method allows you to track the growth of subaccounts over time.
In this example, there are 442 active subaccounts within the root account, showing a significant distribution of content. You can filter by name and created_at to track the number of subaccounts and analyze their creation over time.
Enrollments and Completions MoM and YoY
To view enrollments for a specific month or year, navigate to Analytics > Transcript. Adjust the Enrollment Date filter to select a year. Then, in the Account Name filter, remove the root account to see enrollments across all accounts. This allows you to analyze the enrollments by date and account.
To include archived content in your analysis, click on More and choose to show archived learnables. This ensures that even if content has been archived within the calendar year, it will be considered in your analysis, providing a complete picture of enrollments and content interactions across both active and archived learnables.
To download the report, click on the hamburger icon in the top right corner. Once the report is downloaded, highlight all the content in the CSV file, then go to Insert > Pivot Table to organize and analyze the data. This allows you to easily aggregate and segment the data according to your needs.
n the pivot table, use “Account Name” for the rows, and for the values, use “count of enrollment date” and “count of completion date”. This will allow you to analyze enrollments and completions across different accounts effectively. The counts will give you insight into user activity, helping you to track engagement and performance.
You can use a formula in the far-right column of your data to calculate the percentage of completions by account. This will help you track completion rates efficiently, comparing the number of completions against the total number of enrollments per account.
Number of User-Created Courses
To track how many courses are being created by content creators in your subaccounts, go to the "Download All Data" (data dump) page and download the course_templates
file. This will provide a comprehensive list of all courses across all accounts, allowing you to see which users are creating courses and monitor the content they are producing.
To filter the file for only active courses, go to the deleted_at
date (column P) and filter for blanks. This ensures that only courses that have not been deleted will be included in your report.

To pull only active content for a specific time period, filter by the archived_at
date (column AB) for blanks or a defined range. For content linked to the root account, sub_account_id (column R) will show "1". Other values indicate subaccounts. To generate a report, create a pivot table using sub_account_id (column R) as rows and "count of titles" for values. Use the domains.csv file to perform a VLOOKUP and retrieve the account names.

Unique and Total Logins MoM and YoY
To view the number of logins for all subaccounts, navigate to Analytics > Usage Metrics. Then, remove the root account name from the "Account Name" filter. This will allow you to see the logins across your subaccounts without including the root account.
Clicking on any month in the top widgets will allow you to drill down into the details. The "Monthly Unique Users - Seat Model" widget counts only one login per unique user per month, while the "Monthly Logins" widget registers each login by every user. Drilling into a specific month will provide further details on the logins associated with that time period.
Clicking into the drill-down will reveal the account name associated with each login, providing a more detailed view of the login activity.
By downloading this report and creating a pivot table, you can easily track login activity for any account within a specific month. This will allow you to monitor trends on a month-over-month (MoM) and year-over-year (YoY) basis.
For any questions or assistance, feel free to reach out to support@bridgeapp.com!