Public Bridge Advanced Media Use Cases

A public container has permissions that allow for non-Bridge users to view the BAM content without formal entry into BAM.

Here are some important deets:

  • It does not eat up a Bridge license to view the media
  • Like all other BAM content, it has its own Analytics (these do not currently integrate with Bridge Analytics)
    • Can show unique time viewed for a piece of content
    • Auto-send reports to any users via email
  • An invitee entry form can be put up to gather the user’s email address and name upon entry, which will expose in the BAM Analytics
  • Would not be any sort of replacement for coursework that needs a clearly defined state of an enrollment for assigned, active, overdue, and completed
    • Compliance training
    • Granular onboarding journeys
    • Trainings with certifications
    • Upskill training for career mobility

You might recognize that we utilize a public-facing BAM portal for some of our customer enablement content:


Containers can nest within containers, and there is the opportunity to host multiple media types: video, PDF, and SCORM. You can also host Microsoft files for download.

Here are the use cases where public BAM hits a homerun.

License Qualifier

Need to qualify a lead before eating up one of your Bridge licenses? BAM can do that! 

The customer needs the user to watch something or take a quiz or read a PDF and follow some sort of prompt (i.e. “email us when done and let us know your name and license information”) prior to getting approval for entry into Bridge. BAM serves as a filter to only allow those who are committed to doing the work in the tool to acquire a license.


Need to get your newly-hired employees exposed to your culture with some simple videos prior to their formal entry into your HRIS (meaning, prior to their provisioning into Bridge)? BAM can do that!

The customer needs the users to gain access to materials that are not mandatory and don’t need formal tracking. This is generally because the HRIS lags a bit with employee uploading, which means that the employee lags entry into Bridge to start with any sort of mandatory training that is part of onboarding.

Partner Training

Need to teach your partners about your product or service without the need to formally enroll them into courses? BAM can do that!

Sales enablement is a primary need for any partnership. Often times, any sort of training is optional, and the more clicks between the individual contributor within the partnership and the training, the less likely it is that this person will actually go in and enroll in the content and complete it. In this scenario, creating a YoutTube-like experience is far more organic and intuitive, giving the admins the ability to pull reports on how many people are watching the videos and for how long. Plus, BAM allows for upload of SCORM and PDF, which are unique in their own right to be part of containers with .mp4 media.

Customer Training

Need to teach your buyers about your product or service and want to understand what content is being watched most and for how long? BAM can do that!

This is a similar use case to partner training. The major difference is that the end user has already purchased the product or service, and the company is providing a resource to increase adoption. Much like partner training, the admin here has a primary need to report on what content is being most visited and for how long.

You can read more about creating a resource library with BAM in Bridge.

All of our BAM good-to-knows live here.

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