You will need to go to the Download All Data (data dump) page and pull two files:
Course_templates.csv is a list of all active, archived, and deleted courses.
Domains.csv is a list of all domain relationships in Bridge, which includes users to a sub-account and users to a manager.
Pull the course_templates.csv and the domains.csv into the same document to prepare to do a VLOOKUP.

Start by working in the course_templates.csv sheet. Insert a column to the right of sub_account_id and name it “VLOOKUP to DOMAIN_ID.”
For the domain_id VLOOKUP, you will want to compare the sub_account_id column (column R) to the id (column A) and name (column B) columns in the domains.csv sheet.
This will give us the account name where the course was originally created in your Bridge account.
SIDE NOTE. The sub_account_id 1 is always the root account. All other numbers are the respective sub-accounts. Any course that is created in the root account and is affiliated down to a sub-account will be owned by the root and still only appears one time in this file.
The file will look something like this (we have hidden columns I-Q):

To know the number of created courses in each account, you can create a pivot table based on the domain_ID name (rows) and the count of course_templates_ids (value) that belong to that name.
Please reach out to if you have any questions!
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