You will need to go to the Download All Data (data dump) page and pull three files:
Rules.csv to know the rules that are being affiliated with custom fields that are being brought into Bridge for each user.
Custom_fields.csv to find the value of the custom field that is creating the rule.
Groups.csv is a list of all active and deleted groups.
Pull the custom_fields.csv and the groups.csv sheets into the same document as the rules.csv to prepare to do a couple VLOOKUPs.
In the rules.csv, sort smallest to largest in the custom_field_id (column B). This will help to see all the rules for a particular group in sequence.
Insert a column to the right of custom_field_id and name it “VLOOKUP to custom_field_id” and a column to the right of item_id and name it “VLOOKUP to course_id.”
For the custom_field_id VLOOKUP, you will want to compare the custom_field_id column (column B) to the id (column A) and name (column B) columns in the custom_fields.csv sheet.
For the group_id VLOOKUP, you will want to compare the group_id column (now column E) to the id (column A) and name (column C) columns in the groups.csv sheet.
Using row two as an example, we know that the group “All Learners (minus new hires)” is using the custom field of “New Hire Group” with a rule of “N” to populate learners. In row three, we know that the “Managers: ALL” group is using the “Manager Group” custom field of “Y” to populate learners.
These rules will all align with what can be seen inside of Bridge by navigating to Admin > Users & Permissions > Manage Groups > Select a Smart Group.
To find out which users are in each smart groups, click here.
Please reach out to with any questions!