How do I see whether a BAM resource is included in a course?

You will need to go to the Download All Data (data dump) page and pull two files:

Course_templates.csv is a list of all active, archived, and deleted courses.

Slides.csv is all the individual page IDs for the respective Bridge-created courses.

Pull the course_templates.csv and the slides.csv into the same document to prepare to do a VLOOKUP.

In the slides.csv sheet, filter published_attributes (column H) for “” in the column.

This will give us the slides in a particular course where a BAM resource has been imported.

Insert a column to the right of course_template_id and name it “VLOOKUP to COURSE_ID.”

For the course_id VLOOKUP, you will want to compare the course_template_id column (column B) to the id (column A) and name (column B) columns in the course_templates.csv sheet.


This will give us the course names that are using those slides.

The file will look something like this:

In the slides.csv, make sure to check the deleted_at column (now column K) as that will show whether or not those slides no longer exist in the courses. The position column (now column D) will validate the slide number where the BAM resources are being used in the Bridge courses (it’s possible to have multiple in a single course).

Another step you may want to take is to ensure that the courses themselves have not been deleted or archived.

We added two columns to the right of the “VLOOKUP to COURSE_ID” to include “VLOOKUP to DELETED” and “VLOOKUP to ARCHIVED” columns. This will require cross-referencing additional columns from the course_templates.csv sheet.



Anything that returns a blank or “0” means that the course is still active.

Anything that returns a value that looks something like “15:16.2” can be adjusted to “short date” within Excel.

The file will look something like this:

If we filter for all courses with blank or “0” values as deleted or archived, meaning that those courses are published and active, we can then either pull the enrollments.csv from the data dump and filter for the number of active enrollments to those courses or we can pull an Analytics Transcript for the number of enrollments that “is any time” for these specific titles to see overall traffic going toward those resources.

Please reach out to if you have any questions!

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