How do I remove enrollments?

Required enrollments can be deleted without needing to masquerade as a user or have the user remove the enrollment themselves. This is accomplished by going to the “Remove via CSV” hyperlink within the course and uploading the UIDs for those users.

In this scenario, there are three users enrolled in the course “Google Drive Best Practices.” Two of them are required, one from a smart group enrollment and another from a required enrollment target to an individual learner. The third is optional from a self-enrollment.

Bridge will only allow removal of the user with the individual required enrollment:

The other required learner would need to be removed from the smart group or the content unaffiliated from the group for the removal of that enrollment.

The workaround for dealing with optional enrollments is to push the enrollments to a required state by uploading those optional learners with the “add via CSV” hyperlink at the course level. Once required, the enrollments can then be reset and removed. 

Moving enrollments from optional to required will not generate a notification because no enrollment is being created. The trigger for an enrollment notification is the creation of an enrollment. In this scenario, the user is already enrolled and only the type of the enrollment is changing.

Something to note is that when attempting to delete required enrollments en masse via the “Remove via CSV” option, those enrollments - IF the user is in progress - will move to an optional status (meaning, they will then show as “added by you” in the UI of the learner).

Attempting to delete a single in-progress enrollment will pop-up a warning that it will instead go optional; however, when removing via CSV there is no such warning. Additionally, there is no mass reset option. So if you are needing to remove a large quantity of enrollments, you will want to reset in-progress users one-by-one.

Currently, when a user self-enrolls into a live training as optional, it will show as required in My Learning.

Checkpoints do not have the option to be available in the Learning Library because they only have required enrollments. If you want to wrap a checkpoint into a Program, that Program can be available in the Learning Library. Once selected by the user, the checkpoint will move to the required area of My Learning.

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