Branding Bridge Advanced Media can completely transform the look and feel of your library.
To start, a screenshot or canopy image best fits at 1920x1080 pixels. This will display as “fit to screen.” Any other dimensions can create black padding either horizontally or vertically. Anything larger can increase page load speeds.
We recommend first leveraging your internal brand photography or marketing team who owns your brand collateral. If you are in need of sourcing images yourself, a great stock photograph resource is Pexels. You can type in a topic and get access to free images.
In this example, we are going to be importing a video that our general contractors need to watch about ladder safety. We are going to put the .mp4 video into BAM and expose it to the workers in two different ways:
- Course - REQUIRED. We will import the video into the course through BAM, and we will only have the video in the course so that it can be viewed full screen; we will set the layout to “video only” and we will set the “score” to 80% since we know that we want our contractors to watch 80% of the video before it can be completed. We will assign this course as required to the “Contractor” smart group.
- Video Resource - AVAILABLE. Since we have a “Resource Library'' as part of the Learning Library navigation, contractors can access this resource quickly when logged into Bridge; any viewing of this video will not register in Analytics as a course completion. It is designed to be easily accessible should it be needed in the future after the course has been marked complete.
We are going to use this first image as a custom screenshot for the “All Hands” video:
We are going to put this image into Picsart, and we have created a custom design that is 1920x1281 (1080) pixels. We will download it as a PNG file.
Next, we are going to upload the “All Hands” video. When imported into BAM, BAM will take a thumbnail of the import for use as the screenshot and canopy images. Since we don’t have a choice on what part of the video it selects, we like to use the screenshot option to create a more customized experience.
We will take our downloaded image from Picsart and import that into the “Upload Custom Screenshot” section.
Once imported, we will change the title and add a description if needed.
If nothing is set for the canopy image, the screenshot will default as the canopy image. If there are multiple pieces of content with multiple custom screenshots, BAM will select at random to display one of them in the canopy area across the top.
You can use words on these images or use words as images, but note that there is no customization to how the images appears in the canopy. Words often get cut off, and it appears much cleaner by using images that have some flexibility on cropping.
The video is now branded in the “Resource Library” of the top navigation, which can be accessed through the sub-navigation of the resource library’s contents.
When making a course, we will select “video only” for the setting before adding it to the course.
If we want the same image to also be exposed in the Learning Library when the learner relevance is set to required for this specific smart group (or for any specific learner), then we will also want to add this same image as a cover slide to the course.
This is how the course will be exposed to the learner in the interface:
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