How do I set due dates and other settings for courses?

Course settings are applied at the time of enrollment. Changes made to settings will not apply to any users enrolled previously, only new learners enrolled from that point forward. It’s important to double check these settings when creating enrollments from groups, especially smart groups that are auto-picking up users based on field values (you can read more on making smart groups smarter here).

In this “Location: California” smart group, the relevant content is a sexual harassment course that is required for all users in that group.

The two members in that group will immediately get enrollment into that course once the content is marked as required.

If the courses have only been created or imported without any attention to those default settings, the users will receive notifications that are in agreement with those settings.

The default settings that are on include:

  • Due within 7 days
  • Show correct responses in a quiz
  • Maintain root account branding (only relevant if affiliating courses from the root account into your other sub-accounts)
  • Required score of 80% on quizzes
  • SCORM: score calculated using latest attempt and always migrate enrollments

It looks like this for a Bridge-authored course that is not SCORM:

If the course is not due for 30 days and the users were enrolled with the default setting of seven days, there are two options that leverage these navigation items:

Option one. Remove the affiliation of the content to the smart group, export enrollments, use “remove via CSV” for all those enrollments, adjust the course metadata to “due in 30 days,” and then re-affiliate the smart group to re-assign the content

Option two. Confirm all enrollments are set to required, export enrollments, change the due date in that CSV export, and then “add via CSV” with the new due date (ensure that the date formatting is set to mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy and that the admin settings for dates are in alignment under the “set date import format” in Admin > General > Account Settings). You can then pull in that enrollments CSV and match up just the UID and the “due date” fields.

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