How-to guide for the Advanced Analytics Analyst role

Advanced Analytics is a built-in business intelligence tool that that you can add on to your Bridge subscription. There's a special role known as the "Advanced Analytics Analyst" which gives people access to in-depth reporting within Bridge.

This role can be provisioned as a standard Bridge role through Manage Users > Modify Roles > Advanced Analytics Analyst.

In this example, Stephanie HRG, if only provisioned this role, will have access to the Analytics page in her universal navigation.

Any of the widgets on any page can be drilled into. For this example, we are going to create an Enrollments report with a custom field exposed for “State” and we want to remove some of the columns to schedule a delivery. The removal of columns is not something that can be done via the standard Analytics Transcript.

Click on the meatball menu in the top right hand of the widget and “Explore from here.”

This page will appear for Stephanie HRG:

We will walk through each of the headers with carrots that look like this when collapsed:

We suggest starting with visualization. If you are trying to pull a CSV file to schedule a delivery via email or to automate for delivery to an SFTP or S3 bucket for pickup for import into another tool, you will not need to make any adjustments to the default:

Other options include: column, bar, scatterplot, bar, line, area, and pie graphs.

These can be adjusted at any point in the creation of the report without impacting any of the other steps.

The filters are directly tied to the fields in the left hand menu, which also have carrots to expand and expose additional options for creating pivots or filtering.

Adding a filter requires finding it in the appropriate dropdown and selecting the “filter by field” icon next to that field.

Filters are going to impact what is exposed (or not exposed) in the report, and all of that can be adjusted within the top section to the right.

In this example, we want the learner’s location to be exposed for that learner affiliated with each of the enrollments. We will adjust the filter to “starts with” and then, following case sensitivity of the custom field, we will type in “State:” as the value for that field.

What this means is that any value for a custom field that starts with “State:” will populate in the Learner Custom Field Values of the report, which is the column furthest right by default (in the screenshot above, that column is not yet named and the cell is null values).

Hit enter and “State:” will be enclosed with a box to signify the filter. In the top right hand corner of the Advanced Analytics page, there is a “Run” button.

Once that button is pushed, it will initiate the report with the selected filters.

The final column of the report should now have the word “State” at the top to signify the custom field that is being pulled along with all of the values for that custom field for each learner that owns each of the enrollments in this specific report.

Two additional editing qualities in Advanced Analytics that do not exist in the standard Analytics reports is the ability to remove columns and migrate columns that will stay intact in the export of that report.

Clicking on the gear icon in the top right of any column header will show column options. Hitting “Remove” will delete the column from the report.

Holding down on a column and dragging and dropping it provides flexibility on the view of the report.

If you plan on scheduling the report (as we are doing here), you will also want to make sure that the row limit is 5,000. The default is set to 10,000 and a report can be downloaded but it cannot be scheduled with over 5,000 rows.

To schedule the report, we must first save the report as a Look.

Click the gear icon in the top right corner, then go to Save > As a Look.

Title the Look and then click on “My Folder” as the location for future access to that Look.

SIDENOTE: Looks are only accessible at the user level. They cannot currently be viewed by other users within the same account. For another viewer to access this Look, they would need to masquerade as you, the owner, and look up the Look.

Finding this report can be done through the folder icon next to the gear icon in the top right corner. Click on “My Folder.”

Clicking on the Look name will bring it to full screen inside Bridge. There are a variety of options for report management and delivery. In this case, we are going to schedule the report for delivery.  

There are a handful of options for where the report can go: email, webhook, Amazon S3, or SFTP. For email, the recipient does not have to be a user in Bridge. It can be delivered to any email address.

There are also a variety of ways to format the data to best suit your needs. There are more diverse offerings here than in standard Analytics.

At this time, Advanced Analytics is in an experimental state in Bridge. It is not currently supported by our support team members as it is hosted by Google's Looker. If you are interested in learning more about Looks and Explores, we highly recommend checking out the Looker documentation here. Looker is our third-party integrated Analytics tool in Bridge that is owned by Google.

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