The following documentation describes the data dictionary for the Bridge Data Export file. Table descriptions and column definitions have been provided for the most commonly requested CSV files from the data export.
Suggestions for cross-referencing data have been included in the table descriptions. For assistance with additional tables not listed in this document, please contact the Bridge Support team.
Note: Some tables shown are only available to Bridge accounts with employee development enabled.
The following files are covered in this article:
Table Description: Each time an agenda is created in Bridge, a record is created within this table. The table can be joined to the Users, Agenda_item, and Domains tables.
| |
Column Name |
Description |
account_id |
The ID of the account the 1on1 agenda is located in |
sub_account_id | The ID of the subaccount the 1on1 agenda is located in. Can be joined to the Domains table to define the subaccount name |
id | The ID of the individual 1on1 agenda form |
manager_id | The unique Bridge ID of the manager involved in the 1on1 agenda |
employee_id | The unique Bridge ID of the employee involved in the 1on1 agenda. Can be joined to the Users table to define the employee’s name |
created_at | The date and time the 1on1 agenda was created |
updated_at | The date and time the 1on1 agenda was last updated |
completed_at | If complete, the date and time the 1on1 agenda was completed |
state | Which state the 1on1 agenda is currently in (Active, Completed, Dismissed, Requested, Withdrawn) |
agenda_type | Indicates 1on1 agenda type. Check-in (Check_in), Peer, or Performance Conversation (Perf_Conv) |
Table Description: Each time an agenda item is created in Bridge, a record is created within this table. The table can be joined to the Course_templates, Agenda, Users, and Domains tables.
| |
Column Name |
Description |
account_id |
The ID of the account the 1on1 agenda item is located in |
sub_account_id |
The ID of the subaccount the 1on1 agenda item is located in. Can be joined to the Domains table to define the subaccount name |
id |
The ID of the individual 1on1 agenda item |
agenda_id |
The ID of the individual 1on1 agenda form |
author_id |
The unique Bridge ID of the author of the agenda item |
assignee_id |
The unique Bridge ID of the person the agenda item is assigned to |
item_text |
The text entered in Bridge as the agenda item |
item_type |
Indicates agenda item type (Achievement, Achievements Snapshot, Action Item, Assessment, Goal, Goals Snapshot, Learning, Note, To Do, To Do Snapshot) |
item_order |
Indicates the order in which agenda items are listed in the user interface |
visibility |
Indicates the visibility of the agenda item |
due_at |
The due date and time of the agenda item |
created_at |
The creation date and time of the agenda item |
updated_at |
The date and time the agenda item was last updated |
completed_at |
The date and time the agenda item was marked complete, if applicable |
deleted_at |
The date and time the agenda item was deleted, if applicable |
learning_course_template_id | The ID number of a Bridge course listed as an agenda item, if applicable |
parent_item_id | The ID number of the hierarchical parent of an agenda item, if applicable |
thread_id | The ID number that connects the agenda item across multiple agendas, if applicable |
archived_at | The date and time the agenda item was archived, if applicable |
Table Description: Each time an assessment is created within Bridge, a record is created within this table. The table can be joined to the Users and Domains tables.
| |
Column Name |
Description |
account_id |
The ID of the account the assessment is located in |
sub_account_id | The ID of the subaccount the assessment is located in, if applicable |
id | The ID of the assessment record |
assessment_id | The ID of the assessment that relates an assessor with the assessment |
employee_id | The unique Bridge ID of the employee completing the assessment. Can be joined to the Users table to define the employee’s name |
completed_at | The date and time the assessment was marked complete, if applicable |
Table Description: Each time a custom field is added to an instance within Bridge, a record is created within this table. The table can be joined to the Learner_custom_field_values table to define a name/title to the value found within the corresponding records. The table can also be joined to the Domains table to find the corresponding domain or subaccount.
| |
Column Name |
Description |
id |
The ID number of the mapped custom field |
name |
The name of the custom field |
created_at |
When the custom field was first added using a CSV file upload |
updated_at |
When the custom field was last updated |
deleted_at |
When the custom field was deleted |
domain_id |
The account or subaccount ID number where the custom field was created |
Table Description: Each time a course is created within Bridge, a record is created within this table. The table can be joined to the Users, Enrollments, and Domains tables.
| |
Column Name |
Description |
id |
The ID number of the course |
title |
The title of the course |
estimated_time |
The estimated completion time of the course |
user_id |
The ID of the user who created the course |
created_at |
When the course was created |
updated_at |
When the course was last updated |
passing_threshold |
The required minimum passing score |
published_at |
When the course was published |
has_unpublished_changes |
If the course has unpublished changes (Yes: t or No: f) |
has_certificate |
If the course has certificates enabled for users (Yes: t or No: f) |
external_id |
External ID number of uploaded and shared courses. The originating Bridge account’s name will be used as a prefix. |
draft_external_id |
External ID number of uploaded and shared courses that have not been published. The originating Bridge account’s name will be used as a prefix. |
external_status |
The status of uploaded courses (pending, complete, attached, etc.) |
course_type |
Indicates course type: Bridge native (0), SCORM (1), Lynda (2), or OpenSesame (3), LinkedIn Learning (4) |
domain_id |
The account or subaccount ID where the course was created |
deleted_at |
The date of course deletion, if applicable |
attachments_count |
The number of attachments added to the course, including media added to course slides |
sub_account_id |
The account or subaccount ID where the course is held |
open_book |
If the course has the Open Book option enabled for users (Yes: t or No: f) |
description |
The course description |
third_party_course_id |
The course ID provided by the third party source |
quizzes_count |
The number of quiz questions in the course |
external_status_message |
Information provided for failed course upload, if applicable |
manual_estimated_time |
If the estimated completion time of the course has been manually set by the author (Yes: t or No: f) |
Table Description: Every time a user is enrolled in a course, an enrollment record is created within this table. Each record can be joined to a corresponding user and course using the user_id and course_template_id fields.
| |
Column Name |
Description |
id |
Unique enrollment id |
user_id |
User id for the user that the enrollment belongs to |
state |
Which state the enrollment is currently in (Created, Active, Complete) |
created_at |
The date on which the enrollment was created |
updated_at |
The date on which the enrollment has been updated |
completed_at |
The date on which the enrollment was completed |
score |
The score the user received upon completion of the course |
end_at |
Due date of the enrollment |
course_template_id |
The course in which the user enrolled |
attempts_count |
How many attempts have been completed by the user |
required |
If the course is a required course (Yes: t or No: f) |
external_id |
External ID number of uploaded and shared courses. The originating Bridge account’s name will be used as a prefix. |
deleted_at |
The date of enrollment deletion, if applicable |
sources_count |
How many methods have been used to enroll a user in an item (groups, learning library, program, etc.) |
config |
Enrollment configuration relating to the Office 365 integration (calendar) and Retain participation set using API (retain_opt_out). |
expires_at |
When the user’s enrollment completion will expire |
inactive |
If the course enrollment is inactive (Yes: t) |
renew_by |
The date the previous enrollment will expire |
Table Description: Each time a task is created for a goal within Bridge, a record is created within this table.
| |
Column Name |
Description |
account_id |
The ID of the account the goal task is located in |
sub_account_id | The ID of the subaccount the goal task is located in |
id | The ID of the individual task record |
goal_id | The ID of the goal that the task is linked to |
name | The text entered as the task name |
created_at | The date and time the task was created |
updated_at | The date and time the task was last updated |
completed | Indicates task completion status (True, False) |
due_at | The date and time of the task due date, if applicable |
completed_at | The date and time the task was completed, if applicable |
deleted_at | The date and time the task was deleted, if applicable |
Table Description: Each time a value is added to a user’s custom field, a record is created within this table. The table can be joined to the corresponding user through the user_id field as well as the corresponding custom field using the custom_field_id field.
| |
Column Name |
Description |
user_id |
User’s ID that the custom field value joins to |
custom_field_id |
ID of the custom field which the value belongs to |
value |
The value residing within the corresponding custom field |
deleted_at |
The date of custom field value deletion, if applicable |
Table Description: Each time a user is enrolled in a live training, a record is created within this table. The table can be joined to the Users and Live Courses tables using the user_id and live_course_id fields.
| |
Column Name |
Description |
id |
Unique identifier for the live training enrollment. |
user_id |
ID of the enrolled user |
live_course_id |
ID of the live training the user has enrolled in |
created_at |
The date when the user was enrolled in the specified live training |
updated_at |
The last date an update was made to the enrollment |
state |
0 = Invited; 1 = Registered; 2 = Attended |
deleted_at |
The date of enrollment deletion, if applicable |
sources_count |
How many methods have been used to enroll a user in the live training (groups, learning library, program, etc.) |
expires_at |
The date which the enrollment will expire |
inactive |
If the live training enrollment is inactive (Yes: t) |
renew_by |
The date the previous enrollment will expire |
Table Description: Each time a live training is created within Bridge, a record is created within this table. The table can be joined to the Users and Domains tables using the user_id and domain_id fields.
| |
Column Name |
Description |
id |
The unique identifier of the live training |
title |
The title assigned to the course by the live training creator |
description |
The description assigned to the live training by the creator |
created_at |
The date which the live training was created |
updated_at |
The last date which an update was made to the live training |
user_id |
The user ID of the user who created the live training |
domain_id |
The domain to which the live training belongs |
deleted_at |
The date of live training deletion, if applicable |
sessions_count |
The number of sessions in the live training |
enrollments_count |
The number of enrollments within the live training |
attachments_count |
The number of attachments within the live training |
sub_account_id |
The id of the subaccount to which the live training belongs. Can be joined to the Domains table to define the subaccount name |
external_course_id |
External ID number of a shared live training. The originating Bridge account’s name will be used as a prefix. |
Table Description: Each time a new session is created for a live training, a new record is created within this table. The table can be joined to the live_course table using the live_course_id field.
| |
Column Name |
Description |
id |
The unique identifier assigned to the live training session |
start_at |
The planned start date/time of the session |
end_at |
The planned end date/time of the session |
location |
Where the session will be located |
seats |
The max amount of users that can register for the session |
live_course_id |
The ID of the live training in which the session was created |
created_at |
The date which the session was created |
parent_id | The ID of the first session in a multi-part session |
updated_at |
The date when the last update was made to the session |
registered_count |
The number of users registered for the session |
concluded_at |
The date/time when the session actually ended |
deleted_at |
The date of session deletion, if applicable |
notes |
Any notes added to the session by the session creator |
domain_id |
The ID of the domain to which the session belongs |
sub_account_id |
The ID of the subaccount to which the session belongs |
present_count |
The number of attendees who have been marked as present |
Table Description: Each time a user is registered for a session within a live training, a new record is created within this table. The table can be joined to the Users, Live_course_sessions, and Live_course_enrollments tables using the user_id, live_course_session_id, and live_course_enrollment_id fields.
| |
Column Name |
Description |
id |
The unique identifier assigned to the session registration |
live_course_session_id |
The ID of the session the user has registered for |
user_id |
The ID of the user who is registered |
created_at |
The date/time when the registration was created |
updated_at |
The last date/time the registration was updated |
live_course_enrollment_id |
The ID of the live training enrollment the registration is tied to |
deleted_at |
The date of registration deletion, if applicable |
config |
Enrollment configuration relating to the Office 365 integration (calendar) |
marked_complete_at |
The date the registration was completed |
Table Description: Each time a user is created within Bridge, a record is created within this table. The table includes one user record for each user and can be joined to other tables within the data export, including the various enrollment tables using the id field. The subaccount in which the user was created can be found by joining to the Domains table using the sub_account_id field.
| |
Column Name |
Description |
id |
User’s unique Bridge ID |
User’s email |
uid |
User’s unique ID as defined by institution |
created_at |
When the user was created |
updated_at |
The last time the user and any corresponding info was updated |
avatar_url |
Location of the user’s avatar used within Bridge |
first_name |
User’s first name |
last_name |
User’s last name |
external_id |
User ID defined by the institution |
domain_id |
Foreign key used to join Users.csv to Domains.csv |
deleted_at |
If a user is deleted, the date of deletion will appear here |
tac_accepted_at |
When the user accepted the Terms and Conditions of using Bridge |
tagline |
User’s tagline |
locale |
User’s locale parameters (i.e. language, region, etc.) |
unsubscribed |
If a user has unsubscribed from Bridge, a ‘t’ (true) will appear here |
welcomed_at |
Date when the user was sent a welcome email from Bridge |
logged_in_at |
The date the user last logged in |
config |
Configuration relating to the Office 365 integration (calendar), accessibility (a11y), Retain tutorial walkthrough (bridge_retain_onboarding_pending), and timezone. |
full_name |
User’s full name |
sortable_name |
User’s name. Formatted as Last Name, First Name |
uuid |
Universally Unique Identifier |
sub_account_id |
The ID of the subaccount the user belongs to. Joins to Domains.csv |
hris_id |
User’s unique identifier used within the institution’s HRIS |
support_user |
Users identified as being from Instructure support |
hire_date |
Date user was hired (as defined by the institution) |
hidden |
Users identified as being hidden within Bridge |