How do I manage Live Training resources?

From the Manage Resource page, Admins can add Instructors and Locations as trackable resources that Authors can use to create Live Training sessions.

Note: Some features may be restricted based on
permissions for your user role.

Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin option; then select Learning, then select Manage Resources.

Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.

Manage Resources 

Add an Instructor

To add an Instructor select + New Instructor. Search and add any user from your account as an Instructor. 


Note: External instructors can’t be added from here. You can still add external instructors from the session modal.


Remove an Instructor

To remove an Instructor select the trash icon to the right of the user you want to remove. Select Yes from the pop up message to remove the Instructor.


Add a Location

To add a new location, select the + New Location button.

In order to create a Location to your resources, input a name. Select Save to add the new location.


Note: Any other information you want to include about the location is not required and will only be visible to Admins on this page. You could include notes such as resources available in the room or maximum number of occupants the room can hold.

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