How do I add course content?

You can add content to your course by adding slides and quizzes. Slides can include text, audio, video, and images. Quizzes include text material to measure learning.

Note: Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.

Open Author Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Author icon. Then, click the Courses menu option.

Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.

Open Course

In the Courses page, click the name of a course.

Edit Course

Click the Edit icon.

View Editor Lockout Message

Attempting to edit a course that is currently being worked on by another author will result in a warning message explaining the course is not available for editing. The Publish button on the Course Details page will be disabled while the course is being edited by another author. The course editor lockout prevents content changes from being lost or overwritten while more than one person is attempting to edit the course. The course will unlock either when the course editor is closed by the author or 15 minutes after the author’s last edit was made.

View Course Content

Your course is created by adding different types of content. In a slide, you are able to add images, videos, Studio media, and embed content. In the content sidebar [1], you can view a thumbnail of all content you create in your course. As you add additional content, you can use a scrollbar to view all thumbnails.

When you select a slide or quiz, the content appears in the main window of your browser [2]. As you create course content, Bridge automatically saves your work [3].

View Slide

View Slide

Each new course includes a slide to house introductory course content.

Add Slide Title

Add Slide Title

In the Slide Title field, enter a title for your slide. Each slide is created as an individual page, so the slide title is the name of the page your learners will view in the course.

Add Slide Content

Add Slide Content

In the content area [1], you can add content to your course. You can use the content toolbar [2] to make your text bold or italic, create headings and subheadings, format text in bullet lists or numbered lists, and add hyperlinks and blocks of code to your text. You can also include media files, such as video, audio, Studio media, and images, and enable slide comments.

Note: To enable code block formatting, press the Shift+Return keys. To stop code block formatting, press the Shift+Return keys at the end of the text.

Duplicate Slide

Duplicate Slide

To duplicate a slide, locate and select the slide. Then click the More Actions drop-down menu [1] and click the Duplicate link [2].

Note: The duplicate icon located next to the publish course button will create a duplicate of the course.

Add New Slide

Add New Slide

To add a new slide, click the Add Content button.

Add Quiz

Add Quiz

To add a quiz, click the Add Content drop-down menu [1] and click the Add Question link [2].

Add Quiz Type

Add Quiz Type

When creating a quiz, you can create one of several types of quizzes. Click the type of quiz you want to create:

  • Vocabulary quiz [1]: When you want users to know the definitions of several terms
  • Steps in a process quiz [2]: When you want to create a list of items for users to put in a specific order or list as specific steps
  • Factoid quiz [3]: When you want your users to identify factual statements
  • Multiple Choice quiz [4]: When you want users to identify one correct answer from a list of possible answers
  • Multiple Answer quiz [5]: When you want users to identify all of the correct answers from a list of possible answers
  • Sorting quiz [6]: When you want users to sort a list of items in a particular order
  • Short Answer quiz [7]: When you want to collect open ended text responses

See how users view quizzes in your course.

Add Cover Slide

Add Cover Slide

To add a cover slide, click the Add Content drop-down menu [1] and click the Add Cover Slide link [2].

Publish Course

To publish a course or publish changes to your course, click the Publish button.

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