A Program is a collection of content that can be compiled and turned into a mini curriculum. You can require learners to follow a sequence of steps or allow them to take courses out of order.
Note: Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.
Programs overview
How to find Programs
In the menu on the left side, click the Author icon. Then, click the Programs menu option.
Note: The left menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.
View Programs
On the Programs page, you can view the name of each program [1]. If a program has been published, you can view the number of active courses and the number of unfinished users in the program [2].
Programs that have not been published include a draft status [3].
Filter Programs
In the Search field [1], you can search for all programs in the account.
In the Sort & Filter menu [2], you can sort programs based on your preferences:
- Sort by newest programs, updated programs, or alphabetically by name
- Filter by unpublished programs and programs with no user enrollments
Manage Programs
To edit a program, click the name of the program [1].
To add a program, click the Add New Program button [2].
To delete a program, locate the program and click the Remove icon [3].
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