How do I view Program details?

On the program details page, you can view and edit details about your program, including whether or not the course contains a certificate. You can also view details about your users.

Note: Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.

Open Application Switcher Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Author icon. Then, click the Live Programs menu option.

Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.

Open Program

Open Program

On the Programs page, click the name of a program.

View Program Details

View Program Details

On the program details page, you can view all details for your program.

Steps [1]: The number of courses, live trainings, and checkpoints in the program. Steps appear only if the program is published.

Due Date [2]: The time frame or specific date when the program is due.

Estimated Completion Time [3]: The combined total of all active course lengths.

You can also edit the program [4], and if users have been enrolled in the program, you can send a message to all users [5].

The program can be shared with users who are not manually enrolled in the program by using the Open Enrollment option [6].

View Program Settings

To edit program details, click the More Settings link.

Edit Program Settings

To add a category, click the Find Category button and enter the category name [1].

To add a tag, click the New Tag button and enter the tag name [2].

To allow users to complete the program steps in any order, click the Take in Any Order toggle button [3].

To activate step notifications, click the Send Notification at Each Step toggle button [4].

To set a due date, click the Due Date toggle button [5].

To set an expiration date, click the Expires toggle button [6].

To enable certificates for a program, click the Certificate toggle button [7].

View Users

The Learners tab shows any users enrolled in your program, including the user's name [1], progress [2], time spent in the program [3], program due date [4], and current course due date [5]. The progress column includes a progress icon to indicate complete [6] and incomplete programs [7]. The progress column also tracks the number of completed courses and the total number of learning items required to complete the program [8].

Note: Changes made to a program (i.e. adding or removing courses) do not affect users who have already completed the program. If a user has not completed the program and the program changes, the user's course count will be updated.

Sort Users

Sort Learners

By default, users are sorted by program due date. However, you can click any column header to sort your users by name, progress, program due date, or current course due date. An arrow next to the header will show your selected sorting column. You can sort in ascending or descending order.

Manage Users

To view details about a user, click the name of the user [1].

To find a new user to add to the program, click the Add Learner button [2].

To mark a user's progress as complete, click the Progress icon [3] and click the Mark Complete button [4].

To remove a user, locate the user and click the Remove icon [5].

Note: If a user has not finished the program but cannot be removed, the user was added to the program through a group. The only way to remove the user is to edit the user's group or remove the entire group from the program. See the Groups tab to identify the user's group.

View Groups

The Groups tab shows any groups enrolled in your program, including the group name [1], the program's relevance for each group [2], the number of members [3], number of users overdue [4], number of users in progress [5], and number of users finished [6]. Any groups added to your course automatically display all the group users in the Learners tab.

Sort Groups

By default, groups are sorted by name. However, you can click any column header to sort your groups by name, relevance, number of group members, number of overdue group members, number of in-progress group members, or number of users complete. An arrow next to the header will show your selected sorting column. You can sort in ascending or descending order.

Manage Groups

To view users in a group, click the name of the group [1].

To manage the program requirement for a group, click the Relevance setting [2].

To find a new group to add to the program, click the Add Group button [3].

To remove a group, locate the group and click the Remove icon [4].

View Affiliated Accounts

If viewing the program details in a top-level account, the Affiliated Accounts tab will be shown [1]. All subaccounts within the top-level account will be listed. The search field can be used to filter through subaccounts [2]. You can toggle program access on and off by using the Program Access toggle button [3]. Granting access to a subaccount will allow admins of that particular subaccount to manage enrollments of that program and track user progress in their subaccount.

Note: The Affiliated Accounts tab will not be visible when the program details are being viewed within a subaccount.

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