The Courses page contains all your courses in Bridge. You can sort and filter your courses and view details for each course. Times and dates within Bridge reflect the time zone of your browser.
All course features are detailed in the Author manual.
Note: Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role. Course features unavailable to the manager role include:
• Exporting a course
• Deleting course enrollments
• Overriding enrollment data
• Setting expiration and re-enrollment
Open Author Menu

Click on the Author option in the Global Navigation menu. Then click on Courses.
Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.
View Courses Page
In the Courses page, you can view the name and author of each course. If users are enrolled in the course, you can view the next course due date [1].
Courses that have been shared from a top-level account or subaccount will list the originating account [2].
Courses that have not been published include a draft status [3].
You can identify SCORM or uploaded courses with the upload icon [4].
Filter Courses
You can view Active or Archived courses [1].
In the Search field [2], you can search for course names and tags in the account.
In the Sort menu [3], you can sort courses by date created (newest), date modified (updated), or alphabetically by title.
In the Filter menu [4], you can filter the course list by courses created by you, unpublished courses, courses without learner enrollments, and courses that include a certificate. You can also filter by content type. The different options for content type include native Bridge courses, SCORM courses, LinkedIn Learning courses, and courses added from the OpenSesame marketplace.
In the Accounts menu [5], you can filter the course list by what account or subaccount the courses were created in.
If your account is utilizing subaccounts, you will also be able to filter by the account in which the course was originated by using the Accounts menu.
Manage Courses
To view details for a course, click the name of the course [1].
To upload a course as a SCORM package, click the Upload Course link [2]. To manually add a course, click the Add New Course button [3].
If you can edit a course, click the Edit icon [4].
To view options for a course, click the More Actions icon [5]. Depending whether or not you authored the course, the menu will display several options.
- You cannot edit course content for an uploaded SCORM course.
- You can delete a course if it was created by you and it does not contain any required or optional user enrollments. Admins can delete any course from the account.
- Courses part of a program cannot be deleted.