How do I use the Groups page?

As a manager, you can create groups for an account. Groups allow you to place learners together manually or based on specific criteria, such as department, title, or manager.

• Any admin role can also create groups by default.
• Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.
• Employees deleted from your domain or account will be removed from the My Learners group and any related courses.

Open Manage Groups

Click on the ADMIN option in the Global Navigation menu. Then click on Manage Groups.

Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.

View Groups

On the Groups page, you can view the name of each group [1] and the number of members [2].

In the Search field [3], you can search for all groups in the account.

Sort Groups

By default, groups are sorted by name. However, you can click any column header to sort your learners by name or number of members. An arrow next to the header will show your selected sorting column. You can sort in ascending or descending order.

View Group Types

Each account has an All Learners smart group that is created automatically and includes all users in the account [1]. New employees added to the account are automatically added to the group and enrolled in any course where the group is enrolled.

Groups can be manually created by individually adding learners to a group. You can also create smart groups, which are automatically compiled based on specific criteria, such as department, title, or manager. Manually created groups are indicated with the initial or initials of the group title [2]. Smart groups are indicated with a lighting bolt icon [3].


  • The All Learners smart group cannot be edited or deleted.
  • Employees cannot be manually added to or removed from the My Learners group.
  • Employees deleted from the account will be removed from the All Learners group and any related courses.


Manage Groups

To view or edit learners in a group, click the name of the group [1].

To create a group or create a smart group, click the Add New Group button [2].

To delete a group, locate the group and click the Remove icon [3].

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