How do I create a smart group?

In Bridge, you can create a smart group for your users. A smart group is a dynamically created group defined by rules, such as a specific department, title, or manager. Users are added to the group automatically according to the rule attributes. Once you create a smart group, you can add the smart group to a course or program.

Users who are added to a smart group are required to complete the courses or programs that are assigned to the group. However, if the user's profile changes, such as a change in department or title, the user's in-progress courses will become optional, and the user will be added to any courses and programs assigned to the user's new smart group.

• Smart groups can only be created with custom attributes added to the system.
Smart group attributes are created when adding or updating users with a CSV file.
• Any new users added to your account that match the rule attributes of an existing smart group will automatically be added to the smart group, and to any learning item in which the smart group is enrolled.
• If you would rather add users to a group manually, learn how to create a group.
• Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.

Open Admin Menu

Click on the ADMIN option in the Global Navigation menu. Drop down the Users & Permissions section, then click on Manage Groups.

Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.

Create Smart Group

On the Groups page, click the Add New Group button [1]. Click the Add New Smart Group option [2].

Add Group Title

In the group title field, enter a name for your group.

Set Group Conditions

To set conditions for the group select +New Condition, choose a condition for your smart group rules.

You can then select an identifier for the condition. Identifiers are the custom attributes set for the account in addition to the built in attributes for Department, Hire Date, and Job Title. Once you select the options for the condition select Save Condition [1].

If you want to remove a condition you select Clear [2]. If a condition has already been set and you need to adjust or delete it select Edit [3] and then you can adjust or clear it out.

You can use the AND/OR [4] option to set up numerous combinations for your smart groups.


Hire Date

When creating a group with the standard Bridge fields they will all work the same except for the Hire Date. You will be able to indicate Hire Date is, is not, is after, is before, is between, or is not between a specific date. There is a calendar drop down you can you to select the specific date or you can manually type it in.

An example would be saying "Hire Date is after 01/01/2020". This would then create a group with all users hired after the first day of 2020.

Select Limitation

In the rule field, select the limitation for the attribute. These limitations are defined as is or is not.

Note: The is or is not operators cannot be used together in the same rule.

Select Attribute Values

To select an attribute click in the Identifier box. This will then give you a drop down box you can use to select the specific attribute you want to use for the group.

View Users

Once you have all conditions added for the group you will be able to see a Summary of Conditions [1] which lists the conditions you've set. It will also indicate how many users match the set conditions for this group [2].

Save Group

To save the group select Update.

Delete Group

To delete the entire smart group, locate the smart group on the Groups page, select the three-dots to the right of the pencil icon and select Delete.

Note: Deleting a smart group also removes the users from any courses that added users via the smart group.

Confirm Remove

To confirm removal, click the Disband link.

Duplicate Group

If needing to duplicate a group locate the smart group on the Groups page, select the three-dots to the right of the pencil icon and select Duplicate. Once you've duplicated the group you can edit it to fit the new need.

Duplicating groups comes in handy when you have a need for groups that are nearly identical with only small changes to a specific condition.

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