After completing the Bridge Career Drivers activity with your manager, you can add your personal career drivers to your Career Vision as part of your career development plan. You can reflect on and evaluate your career drivers and select a single career driver on which to focus.
• You must complete the Bridge Career Drivers activity using the career driver cards before you can add your career drivers. Contact your manager for more information.
• To view a categorized list of the Bridge career drivers, visit the Bridge Career Drivers PDF.
• You can also download apps on iOS and Android to do the activity.
Open Career Vision

Click on the ME option in the Global Navigation menu. Then click on Career Vision.
Add Career Drivers
Enter your career drivers by order of importance. To enter a career driver, click the Driver Name field [1]. Type your driver name in the field and press the Enter key or select a driver from the drop-down list [2].
To reorder your drivers, click and drag a driver handle to a new spot in the driver list [3]. To delete a driver, click the Delete icon [4]. To exit the Import step, click the Close icon [5].
When you have entered all your drivers, click the Describe Drivers button [6] or the Reflect link in the header navigation [7]. You can also skip ahead to the Evaluate step [8] or Focus step [9] by clicking the header navigation links.
Note: You must complete the Bridge Career Drivers activity using the career driver cards before you can add your career drivers.
Describe Career Drivers
In the Description field of each driver, type a short statement about why each driver matters to you [1]. To exit the Reflect step, click the Close icon [2]. To skip this step, click the Skip Step link [3].
When you have entered descriptions for all your drivers, click the Evaluate Your Drivers button [4] or the Evaluate link in the header navigation [5]. You can also skip ahead to the Focus step by clicking the Focus link in the header navigation [6].
Evaluate Career Drivers
For each of your career drivers, click and drag the slider along the scale to indicate how well the needs related to your driver are being met [1]. Moving the slider to the left of the scale indicates that your needs are not being met [2]. Moving the slider to the right of the scale indicates that your needs are being met [3].
Add Driver Rating Comments
To leave a comment about a driver rating, click a driver's slider [1]. Click the Add Comment link. [2] In the Reason for Rating field, type a statement that describes the reason behind your rating [3]. Your comments are private by default. To make your comment visible to others, click the Keep Comment Private box to deselect it [4]. To close the comment field without saving, click the Cancel link [5]. To save your comments and close the comment field, click the Done link [6].
To exit the Evaluate step, click the Close icon [7]. To skip this step, click the Skip Step link [8]. When you are done evaluating each of your drivers, click the Choose a Focus button [9] or click the Focus link in the header navigation [10].
Select Driver Focus
To select a driver as your main focus, click the Focus On icon next to a driver [1]. To undo your selection, click the Stop Focus icon [2]. To exit the Focus step, click the Close icon [3]. When you have selected your focus driver, click the Finish Up button [4].
View Drivers
In your My Drivers page, you can view your prioritized drivers list [1] and your focus driver [2]. To reorder your drivers, click and drag a driver handle to a new spot in the driver list [3]. To remove focus from your focus driver, click the Stop Focus icon [4]. To switch focus to a different driver, click the driver's Focus On icon [5]. To view a driver rating comment, click the Comment icon [6].
To add or remove drivers, click the Edit Drivers button [7]. To move onto the next step of your career plan, click the Activities link [8]. To return to the Career Vision page, click the Climb Up link [9].