How do I self-enroll in a course or program in the Learning Library?

Users can find and self-enroll in courses and programs from the Learning Library. Self-enrolled courses and programs are not required and will appear in the Added by You section of the My Learning page.

Note: Categories will only display in the Learning Library if your admin chooses to activate them.

Find Course or Program

In the Learning Library, find a course or program you want to join.

Join Course or Program

Join Course or Program

To preview a program in which you are not enrolled, click the Preview button [1]. To self-enroll in a course or program, click the Enroll button [2].

Preview Program

The Program Preview page shows how many steps are in the program and the estimated time it takes to complete the program [1]. This page also shows a list of the courses, live trainings, and checkpoints in the program and their descriptions [2].

To enroll in the program, click the Enroll button [3].

To close the Program Preview page, click the Close icon [4].

Confirm Course Registration

Confirm Course Registration

To confirm your registration for the course, click the Register Now button.

Enter Course

If your course has a cover slide, click the Enter Course button [1] to begin. Learn how to navigate an online course.

To return to the My Learning page, click the Back to Library link [2].

Confirm Program Registration

Confirm Program Registration

To confirm your registration for a program, click the Register Now button.

Enter Program

To begin taking the first course in the program, click the Let's Get Started button. Learn how to navigate a program.

View My Learning

On the My Learning page, you can view all your courses, programs, live training sessions, surveys, and checkpoints. Self-enrolled learning items from the All Others category in the Learning Library will appear in the Added by You section until they are completed [1]. Recommended learning items will appear in the Recommended by [Your Organization] section until they are completed [2]. To view additional categorized content available to you, click a category title [3].

If you want to remove the course from your Added by You list, locate the course and click the Remove icon [4]. To remove your enrollment from a program, please contact your Bridge administrator.

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