Once you've created a checkpoint, you can view and edit details about your checkpoint.
Note: Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.
Open Author Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Author icon. Then, click the Checkpoints menu option.
Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ based on what is enabled in your account.
Open Checkpoint

In the Checkpoints page, click the name of a checkpoint.
View Checkpoint Details

In the Checkpoint Details page, you can view and edit checkpoint details if needed.
To view the checkpoint settings, click the More Settings link.
View Checkpoint Settings
To add a category to the checkpoint, click the Find Category button [1].
To add a tag to the checkpoint, click the Add New Tag button [2].
You can require users to upload evidence that they completed the checkpoint [3]. To enable checkpoint evidence, click the Requires Evidence toggle button. This setting requires users to upload evidence files before the checkpoint can be completed. Enabling or disabling this setting will only affect users who have not yet had their checkpoint approved.
You can also choose to require approval of users checkpoint completions by another Bridge user. To enable checkpoint approvals, click the Requires Approval toggle button [4]. You can choose between requiring each user's manager, a specific user, or member of a group approve the checkpoint completions. When a user submits the checkpoint for approval, the designated approver will see the pending approval on the My Approvals page. To require checkpoint approval for users to move forward in a program, click the Blocks In-Order Programs toggle button [5].
The Due Date setting can be enabled by clicking the Due Date toggle button [6]. When the Due Date setting is enabled, you can set the requirement for users to complete the checkpoint within a certain number of days or on a specific date [7].
To send a certificate to users upon completion of the checkpoint, click the Certificate toggle button [8].
View Users
The Learners tab displays any users that have been assigned the checkpoint. You can sort the list of users alphabetically by clicking the Name link [1]. Search the list of users by typing in the user's name in the Search field [2].
If the Requires Approval setting was enabled in the checkpoint, the designated approver's name will be displayed in the list of users [3]. The status of the approval will also be displayed [4].
Manage Users
To view details about a user, click the name of the user [1].
To find a new user to add to the checkpoint, click the Add Learner button [2].
To view or reset the checkpoint, click the Open or Completed status in the Progress column [3].
To change the designated checkpoint approver, click the name of the approver and enter the name of the new approver in the search field [4].
To remove a user, locate the user and click the Remove icon [5].
- If an approver is no longer available or the user assigned to complete a checkpoint does not have a manager, an Alert icon [6] will display near the Approver field. The Admin group will then be the designated approvers for that user's checkpoint.
- To change the designated checkpoint approver for a completed Checkpoint, the checkpoint first needs to be reset [7].
View Groups

The Groups tab displays any groups enrolled in your checkpoint, including the group name [1] and number of members [2]. Any users added to your checkpoint through the use of a group will be listed in the Learners tab.
Sort Groups

By default, groups are sorted by name. However, you can click any column header to sort your groups by name or number of members. An arrow next to the header will show your selected sorting column. You can sort in ascending or descending order.
Manage Groups
To view users in a group, click the name of the group [1].
To find a new group to add to the checkpoint, click the Add Group button [2].
To remove a group, locate the group and click the Remove icon [3].
View Attachments

The Attachments tab displays files that have been added to the checkpoint. By default, attachments are sorted by file name [1]. The modified date displays when the file was last modified on your computer [2]. Attachment visibility can be edited by clicking the Visible to Learners toggle button [3].
To download the attachment to your computer, click the Download icon [4]. To remove the file from the checkpoint, click the Delete icon [5].
View Affiliated Accounts
If viewing the checkpoint details in a top-level account, the Affiliated Accounts tab will be shown [1]. All subaccounts within the top-level account will be listed. The search field can be used to filter through subaccounts [2].
You can toggle checkpoint access for each account on and off by using the Checkpoint Access toggle button [3]. Granting access to a subaccount will allow admins of that particular subaccount to manage enrollments of that checkpoint and track user progress in their subaccount.
Note: The Affiliated Accounts tab will not be visible when the checkpoint details are being viewed within a subaccount.