Users with the appropriate permissions—such as Authors, Managers, IT Admins, and Account Admins—can archive and unarchive courses. This ability can also be assigned to additional users, providing flexibility for your team.
For those with archiving permissions, archived courses are in a read-only state and cannot be edited. However, users with these permissions can view archived course settings and enrollments, download archived course data in CSV format, and delete archived courses. When an author views a program that contains an archived course, Bridge will display an "archived" badge next to the course name. For employees, archived courses are hidden from the program, and the program step count will adjust to reflect only active courses.
Archiving Courses
- Archiving is only available for courses in top-level accounts, not in subaccounts. Once archived in the top-level account, the course will no longer be accessible to employees, managers, authors, or subaccounts.
- Users can still view certificates for completed archived courses.
- Archived courses do not appear in the "Add Course" search suggestions or the Learning Library.
- Archived courses retain their enrollments and data.
- Reports that include archived courses will indicate the status as "archived."
- Enrolled users who have not completed an archived course will no longer see it on their "My Learning" page.
- Users who completed a course before it was archived will still see the course in their completed section but will lose access to the course content.
- Archived courses cannot be added to groups.
- If a group that was previously enrolled in an archived course adds new members, those members will be enrolled in the archived course, but they will not receive a notification about the enrollment.
Unarchiving Courses
- Unarchiving restores all enrollments and course data.
- Users who were enrolled before archiving will be re-enrolled in the course.
- Users will not regain access to course content until the course is republished.
Note: Some permissions may vary depending on the user role and its assigned permissions.
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Author icon. Then, select the Courses menu option.
Note: The layout of the Global Navigation menu may vary depending on the features enabled in your account.

Locate the course you want to archive. Click the More Actions icon [1], then select the Archive link [2].
To confirm, click the Archive link.
Un-archive a Course
To unarchive a course from the Courses page, follow these steps:
- Click the Archived tab [1].
- Locate the course you want to unarchive.
- Click the More Actions icon [2].
- Click the Un-Archive link [3].
Click the Restore link to complete the process.
When archiving a course, we recommend removing any content affiliations to groups and disabling expiration and re-enrollment rules at both the course and program level.
Archiving does not delete existing enrollments. If the course remains affiliated with a group, even in an archived state, new enrollments may still be processed in the background as users are added to those groups. However, no notifications will be triggered since the course is archived.
Learners will not see active enrollments in archived courses, it will disappear from view, but can still be reported upon from within Analytics. Any Learner who was mid-course will lose access to the content entirely once it is archived.
If the course is part of a Program or Journey, learners who self-enroll into the Program will not see the archived course in their enrollments. However, they can still view it when previewing the Program. The course will appear as archived in the preview.
We recommend deleting the archived course from the Program or Journey to avoid any confusion for learners.
By default, archived enrollments are not included in the Analytics Transcript reporting. However, they can be added to any report by selecting the “more” option and choosing “yes” to include archived learnables
Once the report is refreshed, you'll see that Kelly is marked as "completed" for the course, while John will remain in an "overdue" state, as he no longer has access to the content.
On the Courses page, simply check the boxes next to the courses you want to archive.
Once you check the boxes, an option window will appear at the bottom of the page. Click "Archive." This will bring up a confirmation page, highlighting any ongoing enrollments in the courses you wish to archive.
Click Continue to confirm.
To close this window, click Dismiss.
To unarchive courses in bulk, begin on the Archived courses page. Check the boxes next to the courses you'd like to unarchive.
Click the Unarchive button below to proceed, and you'll be presented with a confirmation page.
Click Dismiss to complete the process. The selected courses will now be unarchived and available for use again.
To bulk delete courses, follow the same steps as above, then navigate to the Archived page to find the courses you wish to delete.
Select the courses you want to delete by checking the boxes next to them.
Click Delete to start the process.
A confirmation page will appear. Click "Continue" to proceed.
The next page will confirm that deleting courses is irreversible. Click "Dismiss" to complete the process.