On the survey details page in Learn, you can view and edit details for your survey, including distribution lists.
Note: Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.
Open Author Menu
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Author icon. Then, click the Surveys menu option.
Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.
Open Survey
On the Surveys page, click the name of a survey.
View Survey Details
On the survey details page, you can view all details for your survey.
You can view the number of distributions for your survey [1], and if your survey has not been distributed to users, you can edit survey content [2].
To duplicate your survey, click the Duplicate icon [3].
To preview your survey, click the Preview icon [4].
View Distributions
The survey details page also lets you view and manage distributions for your survey.
For each distribution, you can view the title [1], total number of respondents and recipients [2], when the survey was sent [3], and when the survey closes [4]. You can also view the status of each distribution [5], which is shown as completed or in progress.
Manage Distributions
To view survey results for a distribution, click the name of a distribution [1].
To add a distribution list, click the Add Distribute button [2].
To delete a distribution, locate the distribution and click the Remove icon [3].