How do I evaluate an employee using the Talent Review tool?

As a manager, you can use the Talent Review tool to evaluate your direct reports and anyone below you in the organizational reporting structure. You can also use the 9-box review tool to view key decision-making data points.

Note: Depending on your organization's preferences, you may have different evaluation categories.

Open Insights Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Application Switcher icon [1]. Then, click the Insights menu option [2].

Open Talent Review

Click the View Talent Review button.

Note: Depending on your organization's preferences, your Insights page may display different cards.

View Talent Review Page

The Talent Review Page displays a 9-box review tool that shows easy-to-read employee performance review results [1]. You can also view a list of all employees below you in the organizational hierarchy who are in need of employee reviews [2].

Open Employee Review

Open Employee Review

Locate an employee in the list and click the Review button.

Evaluate Employee

Evaluate your employee using the evaluation questions.

To plot your employee in the 9-box review tool, answer the Axis Value questions [1].

To indicate employee role stability status, answer the Key/Critical question [2].

To make preliminary suggestions for your employee's growth and development, answer the Looking Ahead questions [3].

To add notes to your review, type in the optional Add a comment field [4].

Save Talent Review

Talent Review

Click the Save Review button [1].

To save your progress and finish the review later, click the Finish Later link [2].

View Employee Placement

View your employee's results in the 9-box review tool [1].

The bottom and left axes generally represent concerns and undesirable traits [2]. The top and right axes generally represent strengths and positive traits [3].

Filter Talent Reviews

You can filter employee talent reviews based on their action plan, the key or critical state of each team, promotion potential, and position in the 9-box review tool [1]. To expand the individual filters in each category, click the Expand icon [2].

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