As an admin, account admin, or manager, you can add live trainings to your Bridge account. Live trainings allow for training and other corporate activities away from an online environment. For instance, you may create a live training for a hands-on workshop or an off-site presentation. You can create sessions within live trainings to give all learners an opportunity to attend the session that fits best with their schedules.
Note: Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.
Open Live Trainings

Click on the AUTHOR option in the Global Navigation menu. Then click on Live Trainings.
Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.
View All Live Trainings
On the Live Trainings page, you can view the name of each live training [1], the number of sessions [2], and the description of the live training [3].
The number of sessions includes both published and unpublished sessions.
Manage Trainings
To view details for a live training, click the name of the training [1].
To add a live training, click the Add New Live Training button [2].
To delete a live training, locate the training and click the Remove icon [3].
Note: As a manager, you can only delete a live training that you have created.