Programs are groups of two or more different courses, live trainings, or checkpoints. Learn how to view the different areas of the Program Preview page and advance through your program.
View Program Preview Page
You can preview the learning items within a program before enrolling in the program. Hover your mouse over the program card and click the Preview button.
- The Program Preview page can be accessed for a program via the Learning Library or the Recommended section of the My Learning page.
View Program Preview
The Program Preview page shows how many steps are in the program and the estimated time it takes to complete the program [1]. This page also shows a list of the courses, live trainings, and checkpoints in the program and their descriptions [2]. Depending on how the program is configured, you may be required to complete the steps in the order in which they appear. Programs may also be configured to allow you to complete steps in any order.
To enroll in the program, click the Enroll button [3].
To close the Program Preview page, click the Close icon [4].
- If the estimated time it takes to complete your program is more than 44 minutes, the displayed estimate will be rounded to the nearest hour.
- If your Bridge account has a Practice integration, Practice exercises can also be added as steps to the program. Learn how Practice exercises are marked complete in Bridge programs.
Begin Course

Once you begin the program, you will be prompted to begin each course. Click the Begin Course button to get started.
View Completion

Once you have completed a course, you will be shown a completion page with a score and the name of the next milestone in the program. To return to the My Learning page, click the Back to My Learning link.
View Failed Course

If you fail a course within a program that has multiple attempts enabled, the course will remain on the Program Preview page. You can view the number of attempts you have remaining.
View Permanently Failed Course

If you permanently fail a course, a Failed message will display and you will no longer be allowed to complete that course. You can still continue to the next item in the program.
Continue Program

The Program Preview page will reflect your progression through the steps of the program. To begin the next course, live training, or checkpoint in your program, click the Resume button.
View Completed Courses

Once a program has been completed, the program's individual courses, live trainings, and checkpoints will be added to the completed section of the My Learning page.
Note: A score will not be displayed for courses without quiz questions.