What type of reports are available in analytics? 

The analytics reports will give you a view of all enrollments data across all accounts setup within your instance of Bridge. These reports will let you pull a comprehensive list of information and allow you to include deleted users!


  • Some Analytics Reports (Goals, Journeys, Skills) are still in Beta and may change.
  • Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.

Learning Status

The Learning Status widget is a breakdown of all enrollments in courses, live trainings, and checkpoints. 


  • Program items that are currently locked (due to the program being set to be taken in order and the user not reaching that item in the program) are regarded as 'not started'. 
  • Live Training enrollments are considered 'not started' until the user is registered for an upcoming session which is considered 'in progress'. 
  • Checkpoints are considered 'in progress' once they are assigned.

Learner and Completion data

This section includes the following three widgets: 

  • Overdue learners: The number of learners having at least one overdue learning item
  • Total number of learners: The total number of learners in your account
  • Course completion rate: The percentage of completed course enrollments

Program Status

The Program Status widget is a breakdown of the enrollment status for programs. 

NOTE: This is specific to the completion status to the overall program, not the individual learning items within the program.

Live Training Health

The Live training health widget is a chart showing the number of enrollments, registrations, and completions in live trainings.

Monthly Enrollments

The Monthly Enrollments widget is a charte that shows program and course, live training, and checkpoint enrollments per month.

Program Health

The Program Health widget shows the percentage (and number) of enrollments that are above a certain program execution level. For example, If there are 158 enrollments in the >50% column, it means that 158 learners have completed more than 50% of the learning items in that specific program. 

Details View

The Details View has a different chart for Course Progress, Live Training Progress, Checkpoint Progress, and Program Progress. Each listed the title of the learnable items, the id of the item, created date, enrollments, completed, enrollments, overdue enrollments, completion rates and specifics for that items such as item count for programs.

Also within the Details View is a chart for Group Sizes and Most Frequent Tags and Categories for the account. Each one of these widgets can be downloaded or used to create a scheduled report.

For more information on creating scheduled reports you can view the articled for "Scheduling Analytics Reports".

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